
Only when we really understand the seven points for attention of little boar castration, can farmers make money quickly!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Only when we really understand the seven points for attention of little boar castration, can farmers make money quickly!

The trend of young boars is also common. In order to make boars grow rapidly, boar castration can promote growth, reduce fighting and improve pork quality. So farmers will choose to castrate it a long time ago, but the technical technique of castration is very critical. Today, Nini will give you some notes on boar castration.

1. Castration of young boars should be best one week after birth.

Early castration, small and fragile testicles, not easy to operate, castration too late, not only bleeding, wounds are easy to heal and show pain symptoms, severe stress reaction, will affect the normal feeding and growth of young boars.

two。 It is not appropriate to castrate when there is an epidemic.

Castration of the boar itself is a strong stress, which will affect the immunity of the piglet, and the surrounding pathogens are easy to invade the body through the wound, causing the occurrence of epidemic disease, so it is not appropriate to castrate when there is an epidemic.

3. No epidemic prevention can be carried out on the same day of castration.

Vaccination of little boars will often cause a strong stress response, which will increase the stress of little boars and induce the disease of young boars, and epidemic prevention will not have the desired effect, which is very likely to lead to the failure of epidemic prevention, so immunization and castration can not be carried out on the same day to avoid conflict.

4. Don't go castrating on a rainy day

Moist environment is conducive to the reproduction of bacteria, if castrated in rainy days, bacteria are very easy to invade the body through the knife edge, resulting in wound infection and inflammation, the decline of body resistance, leading to epidemic disease.

5. The frail boar suspended castration.

Weak boars and sick boars should postpone castration because of their poor resistance and stress resistance, which is not only conducive to rapid recovery of physical fitness, but also avoid causing disease or death due to castration stress and poor physical condition.

6. Pay attention to disinfection

The pig house should be thoroughly disinfected one day before castration in order to reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment and reduce the chance of contact between pathogenic microorganisms and knife edge.

7. Operation method

Iodine disinfection of the skin should be cut up and down, close to the bottom of the scrotum, longitudinally (up and down) a 2cm incision, the testicles can be successfully extruded. At the same time, pay attention to hemostasis and postoperative observation during testicular extrusion, twisting and rubbing spermatic cord and blood vessels with fingers has a certain hemostatic effect. After the operation is completed, the intestinal prolapse caused by recessive inguinal hernia should be carefully examined in order to take timely measures.

Finally, I believe Nini has explained it clearly to you. I hope these precautions will be helpful to the farmers. If you like, you can subscribe to Nini's headlines at any time. If you have any other questions, you can add your WeChat account (muyicaotang) to follow Nini. Nini has a big gift waiting for you to receive.