
Competitive situation and trend of Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food industry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Competitive situation and trend of Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food industry

Fast food as the largest form of catering industry, what is the development trend in the future? Restaurant O2O, together with zero-point consultation, released a report on the competitive situation and trend of Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food industry. The average price of Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food is 20.9 yuan higher than the national average of 19.3 yuan. The consumption in the central area is high but the competition is also fierce, and the demand differentiation category shows different trends.

1. The competition in fast food market is becoming increasingly fierce.

In the past five years, the number of shops in the fast food industry has increased by an average of 1.6 times a year, which seems to be a prosperous industry, but the overall closure rate of the fast food industry has reached 46.2%.

Compared with the national fast food industry, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food market is relatively stable, but the overall competitive momentum of the fast food industry is unchanged, and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen region will face greater challenges in the future.

2. The competition in the central area will be more intense.

1. The surviving fast food restaurants are mainly concentrated in the city center, overlapping with commercially developed and active areas of young people.

two。 The higher rent and cost in the central area means that there is more competition in these areas.

3. In the Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food market, the category distribution shows different characteristics.

1. Compared with Shenzhen, Guangzhou noodle and noodle fast food restaurants account for a larger proportion, which is related to the rich variety of Guangzhou traditional snacks (rice noodle roll, bamboo noodles, etc.)

two。 On the contrary, the fast food in Shenzhen is concentrated in the proportion of more convenient and fast Western fast food shops, which is also in line with the urban characteristics of Shenzhen (faster pace and more young groups).

3. Through the differences in the distribution of fast food categories, it reflects the differences in the demand characteristics of urban groups.

4. Guangzhou and Shenzhen have a high consumption of fast food.

1. The overall unit price of the fast food industry is between 11 and 25 yuan, and the average price is 19.3 yuan.

two。 The average unit price of guests in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is 20.9 yuan, which is higher than the average level of the industry.

3. As a result, we find that the fast food market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen has greater potential.

5. The brand degree of Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food is higher than that of the industry, but it is still at a low level.

We define a brand with more than 2 stores as a chain brand.

1. The overall number of chain brand stores accounts for 8.9% of fast food brand stores. The market is highly dispersed and the brand is not strong.

In 2003, the proportion of the total number of chain stores did not exceed 12%.

3. The expansion speed of large brands can not catch up with the opening speed of small brands.

4. The number of chain brand stores in the Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food industry accounts for 16.8%, which is higher than the overall level. Therefore, relative to the industry as a whole, Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food brand is relatively strong, the market is relatively standardized.

6. the trend of leisure will be strengthened day by day, and the service design around leisure is the key to break the situation.

1. Through consumers' views on fast food, it is concluded that leisure is increasing, and consumers are paying more and more attention to service.

two。 Lead to thinking: can we do some service design around "leisure"?

7. Fast food brands are actively transforming to adapt to the trend of leisure.

Fast food is taking the initiative to transform, and leisure and fashion are all based on leisure.

For example, Yoshino has changed from a red dominant tone to a simple and bright design to enhance consumers' leisure perception through fashionable and leisure decoration; Zhenkung Fu has put forward a personalized brand strategy this year, of which leisure is an important part of its personalized strategy.

In some upgraded stores, consumers' perception of leisure has been enhanced by changing the dining mode, decoration atmosphere, environmental layout and so on. We found that in the real kung fu upgrade store, some young people played mobile games on their seats after eating, and some even worked in the restaurant with computers.

Take fast food as an example, a large proportion of leisure snacks and drinks are pushed by heat, so as to create and enhance customers' perception of leisure degree by optimizing the mix of staple foods and snacks.

On the whole, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food market has four outstanding characteristics:

Higher stability; category distribution with regional characteristics; higher unit price of consumers; higher degree of branding.

Through the analysis of the current situation, it can be found that there are three trends in the Guangzhou-Shenzhen fast food market:

The competition in the market will be more fierce, especially in the central area of the city, which requires key investment and attention.

The regional characteristics of fast food brands can better satisfy local consumers and improve their satisfaction by making targeted improvements according to regional characteristics.

Fast food leisure trend is obvious, around leisure service and product design, it is worth thinking about catering enterprises.

This article is organized and released by Changsha Food and Beverage Design Company (!