
President of New Hope Dairy: it takes no more than 24 hours to make the ultimate fresh milk from extrusion to terminal.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, President of New Hope Dairy: it takes no more than 24 hours to make the ultimate fresh milk from extrusion to terminal.

At 8:30 on August 26th, the summit and revitalization meeting of China's top 20 dairy industry (D20) will open in Shijiazhuang. Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of agriculture, Zhao Kezhi, secretary of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee and chairman of the standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial people's Congress, Zhang Qingwei, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, as well as the Information Office of the State Council, AQSIQ, General Administration of Food and Drug Administration, China Dairy Association and other leaders attended the meeting.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Xi Gang, president of New Hope Dairy Holdings Co., Ltd., was interviewed by reporters. The following is a record of the interview.


What are the specific measures and results of enterprises in expanding the dairy industry?


In 2016, the dairy industry is facing the background of lack of consumer trust, a new round of consumption upgrading, uneven development and global competition.

New Hope Dairy emphasizes "shared" value, builds a "circle of high-quality dairy engineering friends", gives full play to the core advantages of regional dairy enterprises, focuses on the development of fresh milk, and upgrades the "fresh" industrial chain. the layout of "fresh strategy" has been carried out in southwest, east, central and north China, two international cryogenic plants have been built in Pixian County of Sichuan and Mancheng of Hebei Province, and a full cold chain guarantee system has been built. Traced back to the ecological pastures with beautiful environment, the whole transparent "streaking" factory, and put forward the "quality three concessions principle", regarding quality as the core lifeline of the enterprise.

Enterprises focus on lasting and strong innovation drive, create extreme products to meet consumers' demand for healthier and more personalized products, and take advantage of the Internet era to create a community economy and create a fresh, convenient and fashionable life for consumers. New Hope Dairy creates the first fresh milk defined by time: 24 hours, no more than 24 hours from extrusion to terminal off the shelf, to meet consumers' requirements for extreme freshness. The yogurt series of urban memory, which won the Nielsen 2015 Breakthrough Innovation Award, has become "psychic milk" on the Internet and "social milk" on Times Square in New York. This vintage trend reflects the emotional ties of people in different cities and different times. Dairy enterprises create the annual "Milk fans Festival", which is partying with fans. New Hope Dairy works with fans to create products, raise public welfare and build brands.

Actively explore overseas cooperation projects, New Hope Dairy reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Royal Academy of Agricultural Sciences of New Zealand, and established a joint venture "Australian fresh Milk Holdings Limited" with the Moxey family, Perich Group and Australian Free Food Group to create Australia's first Wantou ranch and seek international resources to connect with the Chinese market.

The holding of the D20 Summit has poured into the efforts of the leaders of the Dairy Association, and the proposition of "promoting supply-side structural reform and enhancing the competitiveness of China's dairy industry" is of far-reaching significance. Only with a good mentality can we have a good ecology. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant departments, it is all the more necessary to achieve a breakthrough under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant departments, so that national brands can go against the trend and win the world.