
What are the subsidy policies for farmers in 2016?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What are the subsidy policies for farmers in 2016?

Pro-agricultural policies refer to the preferential policies and preferences given by the government to agriculture, farmers and rural areas in order to support the development of agriculture, improve farmers' income and living standards, and promote sustainable development in rural areas. let's take a look at what preferential agricultural subsidy policies the country has in 2016.

Preferential policies for water and electricity

1. Encourage the use of barren hills, barren ditches, barren hills, barren beaches and so on to develop aquaculture.

2. The groundwater resource fee shall be exempted.

3. Enjoy the price of agricultural electricity.

Subsidy policy for animal epidemic prevention

1. Subsidy policy for compulsory vaccination of major animal diseases.

2. Subsidy policy for hunting and killing of livestock and poultry diseases.

3. Subsidy policy for harmless treatment of sick and dead pigs.

4. Subsidy policy for harmless treatment of diseased pigs in pig slaughtering.

Agricultural machinery subsidy policy

In general, the subsidy for each agricultural machinery does not exceed 50, 000 yuan, the subsidy for milking machinery and dryer does not exceed 120000 yuan, and the subsidy for high-performance green fodder harvester does not exceed 150000 yuan.

Subsidies for agricultural projects

1. Subsidy for improved varieties

[subsidy object] sows, dairy cows, beef cattle farms (residential areas, households), farmers who can breed more than 30 ewes and more than 25 cows.

[subsidy standard] 40 yuan for sows, 30 yuan for dairy cows, 20 yuan for other breeds of cows, 10 yuan for beef cows, 800 yuan for sheep and goat breeding rams, and 2000 yuan for yak breeding bulls.

2. Alfalfa planting subsidy

[subsidy object] the cooperative has been cooperatives for more than one year, the registered capital of forage production and processing enterprises is more than 2 million yuan (including), and dairy cattle breeding enterprises (farms) must keep more than 300 heads.

[subsidy standard] 1.8 million yuan per 3000 mu.

3. Establishment of standardized demonstration of livestock and poultry breeding.

[subsidy object] it can reproduce more than 300sows, more than 5000 fattening pigs, more than 300dairy cows, more than 10000 laying hens, more than 100000 broilers per year, more than 100000 fattening cattle or 50 cows, more than 250ewes in agricultural areas, more than 400in pastoral areas, and more than 1000 mutton sheep in agricultural areas and pastoral areas.

[subsidy standard] the project itself does not have subsidy funds, but it is very important to get this brand, and it is more convenient to apply for relevant support funds from the state, provinces, cities and counties in the future.

4. Standardized and healthy breeding of livestock and poultry fisheries

[supporting objects] large-scale farms and farmers' cooperatives have 0.5 ~ 50 000 pigs, 1 ~ 100000 laying hens, 5 ~ 1 million broilers, 100 million beef cattle, 300 million mutton sheep, more than 200 mu of pond farms (100 mu in the western region) and more than 3000 square meters of factory water.

[subsidy standard] 25-1 million yuan

5. Construction project of dairy cow standardized scale breeding community (farm)

[declaration conditions] more than 300 dairy cows are kept in the column.

[subsidy standard] 800000 yuan for 300,499 head, 1.3 million yuan for 500,999 head, and 1.7 million yuan for more than 1000 head.

6. Construction project of pig standardized scale breeding community (farm)

[declaration conditions] more than 500 live pigs are kept in the column.

[subsidy standard] 200000 yuan for 500,999 head, 400000 yuan for 1,000,000 head, 600000 yuan for 2000,999 head, and 800000 yuan for more than 3000 head. Yunnan and Guizhou provinces have arranged a subsidy of 100000 yuan for some 300,499 breeding farms (residential areas).

7. Construction project of standardized scale breeding area (farm) of beef, beef and sheep

Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Xizang, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, * and * production and Construction Corps.

[subsidy standard] 150000 yuan for 300,499 head of mutton sheep, 250000 yuan for 500,999 head of mutton sheep, 350000 yuan for 700million head of 999 sheep, and 500000 yuan for 1000 head. 300000 yuan for 100,299 head of beef cattle and 500000 yuan for more than 300 head of beef cattle.