
Why is the purchase and sale of new wheat so depressed recently?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why is the purchase and sale of new wheat so depressed recently?

At present, the wheat harvest in the south of the Huaihe River is basically over, new wheat is generally listed in large quantities, all kinds of grain buyers begin to enter the market to buy new wheat, the enthusiasm of grain traders and brokers is not high, and the acquisition is mainly market-oriented for the time being. the price of wheat is rising slowly. Due to the influence of the weather, the output and quality of wheat this year are poor, and the market price is lower than that of the same period last year. As a result, the market grain sources suitable for the national policy purchase standards have decreased, resulting in the slow progress of the market purchase, and some new wheat has become the source of market feed. The purchase price follows the market, and the sales channel of the new wheat purchased by the non-policy acquisition subject is still unclear, and the acquisition is more cautious. For this year's uneven quality of wheat to adopt the business strategy of selective acquisition.

According to the market monitoring on June 13, the purchase price of new wheat in Anhui tends to be stable, showing a weak market on the whole. Among them, the Wuwei regional policy acquisition site strictly implements the national acquisition policy, purchasing new wheat at 118 yuan per 100 jin, and other buyers follow the market, the purchase price varies, the purchase moisture requirement is about 13%, and the purchase price is between 70 yuan and 105 yuan per 100 jin. The purchase price is quite different; the purchase price of wheat with a unit weight of 760-770 moisture 14% in Anqing Wangjiang area is 104 yuan per 100 jin; the purchase price of new wheat in Chuzhou market is 100 yuan per 100 jin. Bozhou Lixin water 15% bulk density 760 wheat purchase price 95 yuan / 100 jin; Fuyang Yingshang area moisture 14%, bulk density 750-770 wheat purchase price 105 yuan / 100 jin; Suzhou Xiaoxian water 15-16% bulk density 770 wheat purchase price 108 yuan / 100 jin, Huainan water 14% water 760-770 new wheat purchase price 105 yuan / jin, are the same as yesterday. Due to the uneven quality of new wheat, the purchasing price of new wheat in northern Jiangsu is weak. At present, the entering price of wheat less than 10% of imperfect grains purchased by flour mills is 112 yuan per 100 jin, but the purchase quantity is small. The current terminal purchase price in northern Jiangsu ranges from 105 yuan to 108 yuan per 100 jin. The average purchase price of new wheat in Xinyi market in Jiangsu Province is 104 yuan / 100 jin, which is basically the same as that at the beginning of the month, in which the price of new wheat from individual grain broker to household is 102 yuan / 100 jin, and the purchase price of large households with outlets in market towns is 104 yuan / 100 jin. It is understood that since Anhui, Jiangsu and other provinces launched the purchase plan to support the market, the purchase price of new wheat in some areas has shown an upward trend, but the overall purchase price in the market is still much lower than the minimum purchase price, and the price of wheat has risen slowly.

This year, there is frequent rainfall in the southern wheat region during the new wheat harvest season, which adversely affects the wheat during the harvest period, resulting in serious damage to the quality of wheat in some areas. According to the survey of the Food Industry Association of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, the new wheat has been put on the market. The moisture content is 16%, 18%, the yield of wheat is reduced by about 10%, and the imperfect grains of wheat exceed the standard seriously, mainly malted wheat and scab grains. The yield of wheat per mu in Lingbi County was about 800 jin per mu in 2016. compared with the quality of wheat this year, there are not many sprouts. According to the monitoring data of 27 samples provided by the Municipal Grain and Oil quality Inspection Center, imperfect grains generally reached 12.0-15.0%, with a maximum of 21.8%. Among the 27 samples tested, 19 samples with imperfect grains more than 10.0%, accounting for 70%. Due to several rainy and windy weather since May, the lodging area of wheat in Jiangsu has reached more than 2 million mu, nearly 800000 mu of wheat fields have accumulated water, and the phenomenon of wheat ear sprouting has also appeared in some areas. At present, wheat has been put on the market in southern Jiangsu, and it is reported that the grade of wheat has been reduced this year, with most of the wheat of fourth and fifth quality, and more than 15% of the imperfect grains of some wheat.

It is understood that at present, policy acquisition sites strictly implement the national acquisition policy, medium-quality new wheat is purchased at 118 yuan per 100 jin, and other acquisition subjects carry out market acquisitions in line with the market, with a moisture requirement of about 13%, with high quality and high price. Due to the continuous overcast and rainy weather during the wheat harvest this year, the yield and quality of new wheat have declined, and the current circulation in the market is mainly wheat after rain, a small amount of wheat before rain, and the moisture is better, mostly about 15%. After the wheat is dried after rain, the bulk density is still good, basically reaching more than 750 / L. Affected by the decline in the quality of new wheat, all kinds of buyers tend to be cautious, farmers' grain sales prices have dropped sharply compared with the same period last year, and planting efficiency has declined. On the one hand, the purchase price of poor wheat in the current market is 70-80 yuan per 100 jin after the rain, and the enthusiasm of purchasing enterprises is not high, and farmers are entangled between selling and not selling. Compared with the same period last year, the selling price of grain by farmers has dropped by 30-35 yuan per 100 jin, and the planting benefit has declined obviously, and a few large grain growers may suffer losses. On the other hand, with the increase of national corn and over-time storage of japonica rice, the substitution effect of wheat feed grain is weakened, the market price of poor quality wheat as feed grain does not have an advantage, and the sales channel of purchasing enterprises narrows after market acquisition. acquisitions become cautious, a large number of wheat that do not meet the national policy acquisition standards remain in the circulation market, dragging down the price of new wheat. Judging from the purchase of the southern wheat region in the early stage, grain traders and brokers are generally not optimistic about the quality of new wheat this year, the main body of market-oriented acquisition is more cautious, and the activity of purchase and sale is low compared with that in previous years. Flour production enterprises are also more "picky" in purchasing, and the phenomenon of speculating and hoarding grain for price is reduced.