
How much is the price of wormwood per jin?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How much is the price of wormwood per jin?

Moxa grass, also known as ice table, curbing grass, incense, etc., is a plant of the genus Artemisia of the Compositae family. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people always put moxa at home to "ward off evil spirits", and the dried plants are fumigated with water to disinfect and stop itching. Pregnant women often use moxa water to bathe or fumigate. The whole grass has the functions of warming menstruation, removing dampness, dispelling cold, stopping bleeding, anti-inflammation, relieving asthma, relieving cough, calming the fetus, anti-allergy and so on. Let's take a look at the price of moxa grass.

How much is the price of wormwood per jin?

The wholesale price of moxa grass is about 6 yuan per jin, the market retail price is about 12 yuan per jin, the export price is about 50 yuan per jin, and the dried one with a rod is about 2 yuan per catty. If it is Chen Ai, there will be an additional 40% per year storage cost (including management, labor, warehousing, etc.).

Where are the producing areas of moxa grass distributed?

The producing area of Artemisia argyi is widely distributed all over the country except extremely arid and alpine areas. it is usually born in wasteland, roadside riverside and hillsides in low to middle altitude areas, as well as in forest steppe and steppe areas. some areas are the dominant species of plant communities, such as Mongolia, Korea, Soviet Union (far East), and cultivated in Japan.

The efficacy and function of Artemisia argyi

1. Sterilization and disinfection: the substance contained in moxa grass itself can play the role of sterilization and disinfection, so boiling water with dried moxa grass can achieve the same effect. Many people use moxa to boil water for bathing or fumigation, and some people use it to soak their feet, which can have the same effect.

2. Expelling cold and stopping bleeding: moxa grass itself is a kind of warm tonic, so eating moxa grass can play a role in expelling cold. If you suffer from wind and cold in winter, you can drink some wormwood water to dispel the chill in the body, which can achieve the therapeutic effect. In addition, the effect of warming menstruation and hemostasis of moxa grass is of great benefit to girls.

3, calm the mind: some people will use moxa boiled water to soak their feet, which can not only invigorate the blood, but also play a role in calming the mind and improving the quality of sleep.

4. Repelling mosquitoes: moxa grass has a special fragrance, which is the smell that mosquitoes are afraid of, so putting some moxa water on your skin in summer can ward off mosquitoes and avoid mosquito bites.

What is the function of boiling moxa grass?

1. Drinking: if you boil water with fresh moxa grass, you can drink it directly, which can play the role of warming menstruation, removing dampness, dispelling cold, stopping bleeding, anti-inflammation, relieving asthma, relieving cough, calming the fetus, anti-allergy and so on.

2. Soaking feet: the water boiled by moxa grass can also be used to soak feet, which can accelerate blood circulation, promote the metabolism of the body, dispel cold and dispel deficiency fire, and treat colds caused by wind-cold.

3, sterilization: boiled moxa water can be used to wash some kitchen utensils, or to wipe, can also be sprinkled in the corner, can play a role in sterilization, but also can play the effect of dispel mosquitoes.

4. Taking a bath: many old people like to use wormwood to boil water to bathe their children, especially for children of two or three years old, which means to keep safe. In fact, moxa boiled water used to take a bath can play a role in sterilization and disinfection, to a certain extent, can promote the health of children.