
Jia Mu: literary and artistic publicity of Family Planning in country Music

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Jia Mu: literary and artistic publicity of Family Planning in country Music

Speaking of Jia Mu, deputy director of the Fusu Village Committee, the cadres and masses in Shuzhuang Township, Shangshui County, Henan Province, call him a "talented person in rural music." Over the years, all kinds of major literary and artistic activities held in the village are inseparable from his planner and director. He taught the masses to play waist drums and Yangko, and taught left-behind children to sing and dance. In Shuzhuang Township, Jia Mu can be seen wherever there are cultural activities.

Jia Mu, 60, is the deputy village committee director of Fusu Village and loves music all his life. Self-taught, he has a talent for music, such as blowing, playing, playing, singing, creating, editing, directing, performing, and everything. For more than 30 years, whether it is the township government or the school, as long as it is to hold large-scale celebration activities, it is necessary to invite him to plan and guide, and he is busy in the annual festival celebration activities.

Jia Mu likes not only music but also literary and artistic creation. He has not only created some songs that are especially suitable for children to sing, but also created some dramatic sketches, crosstalk, three-and-a-half sentences, Allegro, and other works loved by the masses that reflect rural family planning, law popularization, and the construction of a harmonious society. and through the peasant literature and art propaganda team to perform, not only welcomed by the masses, but also to achieve the purpose of combining education with pleasure. In 2015, his drama sketch "persuading my mother-in-law", which reflects the theme of family planning, won a grand prize in the large-scale performance of "Building harmonious Family Planning and spreading Marriage and childbearing Civilization" in Shangshui County, and was broadcast in Zhoukou TV Station and Shangshui County TV Station.

Jia Mu, who works at the grass-roots level in rural areas, sprouted the idea of setting up peasant cultural organizations a few years ago. He believes that if all villages set up waist drum teams and Yangko teams to create a platform for left-behind women to carry out cultural activities, so that they can both fitness and entertainment, then the bad habit of playing mahjong will naturally be eliminated. After the Spring Festival in 2009, Jia Mu told Wang Province, the family planning administrator of Fusu Village, who is fond of singing opera, that the two hit it off. In this way, Wang Province established a family peasant culture club, and Jia Mu served as a music and opera teacher. Soon after, with the strong support of the Village Family Planning Association, they set up a peasant waist drum team, a Yangko team and a family planning literature and art propaganda team.

Where there's a will, there's a way. The family planning propaganda team of Fusu Village has become an active literary and art propaganda team locally. They not only take to the streets to perform for the masses, but also often participate in competitions held in the township and county. City and county propaganda departments and television stations also shot feature films for them.

Under the guidance of Jia Mu, 18 villages in Shuzhuang Township, including Dazhuzhuang, Wuzhuang, Zhong Zhenchang, Huzhuang, Weizhuang, Dudian, and Xiaozhuzhuang, have successively set up waist drum teams, Yangko teams, and square dance teams, and farmers' cultural life is booming. Last year, the Fusu Village Square Dance team won the second prize in the county square dance competition.

Starting from the summer vacation in 2012, Jia Mu also used the summer and winter vacations to call the left-behind children whose parents were working outside the village to his home to teach them to play the waist drum, play Yangko and sing red songs, and the children spent every holiday happily. Jia Muyin has made outstanding contributions to the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas and has been commended by county cultural and propaganda departments for many times. Qiao Lianjun