
Breeding Prospect of Hot Duck

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Breeding Prospect of Hot Duck

Hot duck, also known as Han duck, is the only duck breed used for both medicine and food in China. It has the characteristics of strong disease resistance, resistance to rough feeding, easy feeding and high laying rate. It is a rare special bird treasure. It is deeply loved by consumers because of its large body and plenty of meat. The investment of raising hot duck can be recovered in a few months, which is a good project with less investment and quick effect, so it is a new way to get rich with low risk, high benefit and good market prospect.

The Prospect of Hot Duck Culture

1. Hot ducks are suitable for dry breeding, animal husbandry, captive breeding, etc., resistant to high temperature and low temperature, and suitable for raising in the north and south of our country. Hot ducks are gregarious, and as long as they have suitable feeding places and conditions, they can live well in groups in terms of feeding and reproduction. therefore, hot ducks are suitable for raising in large groups. Fire duck is gentle, not afraid of people, resistant to rough feeding, good at foraging, can be raised in small groups or in large groups in captivity.

2. Hot duck has strong adaptability to climatic and environmental conditions, both cold and heat-resistant, as long as the feeding conditions are better, when the temperature is low in winter and spring, it does not affect its egg laying and weight gain. Due to the underdeveloped sense of smell and taste of the hot duck, the demand for the flavor of the feed is not high. It can swallow larger food balls and store them in the inflated part of the esophagus. The pressure in the muscle and stomach is high, and gravel is often retained, which can grind the food well. As a result, hot ducks have a wide diet.

3. According to the determination, under the current farm feeding conditions, the average birth weight of hot duck is 40 grams, the body weight of male fire duck is (8-9 jin) for 77 days (11 weeks old), the maximum is about 5000 grams (10 jin), and the weight of adult female fire duck is (6-7 jin). Meat 1VR 2.80-3.40, adult male fire duck semi-clean slaughtering rate is 74%, mother is 75%. Breeding for 6 months to lay eggs, the annual production of 250-280 eggs, the average egg weight (more than 12) 70 grams, the largest weight (2 taels) 100 grams.

Market Prospect of Hot Duck

1. Hot duck meat is also rich in nutrition. It not only tastes delicious, but also has the functions of "nourishing the yin of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of deficiency and fatigue, nourishing blood and water, nourishing stomach and fluid, relieving cough and shock", etc., that is, it has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing yin and reducing fire, stopping bleeding dysentery and nourishing, especially in the treatment of measles and fever. There are also duck blood, duck liver, duck bile and duck egg white also have medicinal value. Duck meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals, etc., which can not only supplement a variety of nutrients necessary to the human body, but also dispel summer heat and strengthen health. Modern people pursue nutritious, safe and healthy meat food, and the breeding mode of ordinary meat duck makes people talk about duck color change and forget. The promotion of this characteristic breed of hot duck meets the market demand and has an unparalleled competitive advantage.

2. From the analysis of the change of consumption concept, with the improvement of material living standard and consumption level, people are becoming more and more picky about the quality, variety and structure of agricultural products, and there is no weak season for product sale. the impact of regional limitations on product sales is also getting smaller and smaller. The development trend of the market is the need for multi-variety, multi-processing levels of agricultural products to meet the needs of people's lives. Therefore, healthy, safe and high-quality agricultural products can be accepted by the market. Because of its low fat, high protein, in line with the dietary structure, hygiene and convenience and other characteristics, a considerable number of urban residents have changed from the original pork and beef consumption to poultry consumption, and the consumption continues to rise. The pollution-free hot duck produced by this project carries out the standardization of field construction, breed, feeding, drug use and product inspection to ensure the quality and safety of hot duck commodities, comply with the market development and accord with the consumption trend, so the prospect is unlimited.

3. Hot duck is a kind of meat with high protein content and low fat content, which makes some citizens change from pork and beef consumption to duck meat consumption, and the consumption continues to rise. It is estimated that in 2016, the annual per capita consumption of meat and duck products in China will be 30 kg. From 2000 to 2015, duck consumption increased by an average of 5%. Now China has to import a large number of meat and duck products from abroad every year to fill the domestic consumption gap.

Advantages of hot duck culture

1. Policy environment: the hot duck breeding and development project accords with the outline of the Eleventh five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the people's Republic of China and the requirements of the relevant industrial planning and policies of the government. Governments at all levels also regard the development of special poultry breeding as a strategic project to increase farmers' income, which has led to the take-off of the local economy. Hot duck breeding projects can apply for government financial support and get strong support from the government. Therefore, the conditions of policy support for hot duck breeding and development projects are superior.

2. Market advantage: hot duck meat is also rich in nutrition, not only delicious, but also has "nourishing the yin of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of deficiency and fatigue, replenishing blood and water, nourishing stomach and fluid, relieving cough and shock" and so on. that is, it has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing yin and reducing fire, stopping bleeding dysentery and nourishing, especially in the treatment of measles and fever. There are also duck blood, duck liver, duck bile and duck egg white also have medicinal value. Duck meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals, etc., which can not only supplement a variety of nutrients necessary to the human body, but also dispel summer heat and strengthen health. Modern people pursue nutritious, safe and healthy meat food, and the breeding mode of ordinary meat duck makes people talk about duck color change and forget. The promotion of this characteristic breed of hot duck meets the market demand and has an unparalleled competitive advantage.

3. Technical advantages: hot ducks have strong adaptability, less diseases, staple grains, can be fed with common feed plus grass and vegetable leaves, and breeding methods can be raised in captivity or on the ground in the old house. After more than a year of efforts, we have set up a hot duck breeding base. We used fly maggot feed to cultivate a strong hot duck breed. After purification and rejuvenation, our company's hot duck has high egg laying rate, fertilization rate and survival rate, which is better than other varieties. And we have 15 middle and senior animal priests who have explored and summed up a set of technical secrets, as well as a full set of technical materials and good after-sales service, which can solve the problems in breeding and ensure the smooth success of breeding. it provides strong technical support for the development of pollution-free hot duck industry.