
Prevention and treatment of enteritis in Monopterus Albus

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Prevention and treatment of enteritis in Monopterus Albus

Monopterus Albus enteritis is caused by Aeromonas punctata. The occurrence of Monopterus Albus enteritis will affect the economic benefits of Monopterus Albus culture. The following Qiannong Network editor will introduce to you the symptoms and prevention and control measures of enteritis in Monopterus Albus culture.

Etiology of enteritis in Monopterus Albus

1. Bacterial infection caused by stale bait.

2. Poisoning caused by toxins produced by spoiled bait.

3. Overeating leads to indigestion.

4. The deterioration of water quality leads to intestinal infection.

Symptoms of enteritis in Monopterus Albus

Slow activity, no food intake, black body color, weight loss, intestinal congestion, yellow mucus outflow, prominent redness and swelling of the porta hepatis, and purple in severe cases.

Treatment of enteritis in Monopterus Albus

1. External use: water disinfection gold iodine or compound glutaraldehyde 2-3 mu / bottle cross use

2. Oral administration: Changyanning or eel Changbao 2-4g + ricefield eel multi-dimensional 4-6g/kg feed.