
Which breed of meat rabbit is better? These seven meat rabbit breeds have good benefits!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Rabbit meat is high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat, unique taste, rich nutritional value, eating has great benefits to the human body. With the increasing demand for rabbit meat and the increase in meat rabbit breeding, if you want to raise meat rabbits, do you know what kinds of meat rabbits there are?

Rabbit meat is high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat, unique taste, rich nutritional value, eating has great benefits to the human body. With the increasing demand for rabbit meat and the increase in meat rabbit breeding, do you know what kinds of meat rabbits there are if you want to raise meat rabbits? Which kind of meat rabbit is better? Let's learn about it.

Which breed of meat rabbit is better?

1. New Zealand Rabbit

New Zealand rabbit, also known as "New Zealand White Rabbit", is a medium-sized meat rabbit breed, which has the characteristics of fast early growth, good meat production performance, fat and tender meat, etc., the weight of adult male rabbits can reach 8 kg 10 jin, and the weight of adult female rabbits can reach 9 jin 10 jin. It has high economic value.

2. California rabbit

California rabbit, also known as "California rabbit" or "eight-point black rabbit", is a medium-sized meat rabbit breed. California rabbit has compact body, plump muscle and high nutritional value. The weight of adult male rabbit can reach 7.2-9 jin, and that of adult female rabbit can reach 7.8-9.6 jin.

3. Belgian rabbit

Belgian rabbit, also known as "Flemish giant rabbit" or "Belgian hare", belongs to a large meat rabbit breed. The weight of adult female rabbit can reach 1213 jin, and the maximum can reach 18 jin. It is a meat rabbit breed with high economic value.

4. Male sheep rabbit

Male sheep rabbit, also known as "drooping ear rabbit", belongs to a large variety of meat rabbits. The meat rabbit of this breed is huge, the weight of adult male rabbit can reach 10-16 jin, and the weight of adult female rabbit can reach 10-14 jin. It is a hare of great meat value.

5. Harbin white rabbit

Harbin White Rabbit is a large and medium-sized meat rabbit breed, and it is also the first rabbit breed in China. The rabbit of this breed has strong bones, strong limbs and well-developed muscles. The weight of adult male rabbits can reach 11-12 jin. Adult female rabbits weigh up to 12-13 jin, which is a meat rabbit breed raised in many areas.

6. Big ear yellow rabbit

Big-eared yellow rabbit is also a kind of rabbit species which is widely raised in the north of China, which has a wide range of economic value. due to the particularity of bad fur color, the fur value is often greater than the meat value. The adult big-eared yellow rabbit can reach more than 9 jin, and the feed conversion rate is high, so it is one of the best meat rabbits.

7. Saibei Rabbit

Saibei rabbit is one of the rabbit species widely popularized in recent years. Its lean meat content is extremely high, can account for more than the general body weight. The daily life is relatively quiet, and the proportion of cage loss is much less than that of others. The physique is only medium, and the adult rabbit is about 5 jin.

Among the seven meat rabbit varieties introduced above, they are all meat rabbits with very good breeding benefits, and they are also more meat rabbit breeds at present. If you want to raise meat rabbits, you can consider these varieties.

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