
"King of Flowers" how to plant peonies? What does the peony flower symbolize? (culture methods and matters needing attention are attached)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Peony, also known as Luoyang Flower and Fugui Flower, is one of the flowers unique to China and is known as the king of flowers. Peony is graceful and magnanimous, blooming rich and noble, is a symbol of auspicious wealth. In recent years, it has gradually become a fashion and trend to put peony as a potted plant at home.

Peony, also known as Luoyang Flower and Fugui Flower, is one of the flowers unique to China and is known as the king of flowers. Peony is graceful and magnanimous, blooming rich and noble, is a symbol of auspicious wealth. In recent years, it has gradually become a fashion and trend to put peony as a potted plant at home. So what are the methods of peony culture and matters needing attention?

Peony is a perennial deciduous shrub of Paeoniaceae and Paeonia lactiflora. Stems to 2 m tall; branches short and thick. Leaves usually 2-Ternate, occasionally 3-foliolate near branch tip; terminal leaflet broadly ovate, surface green, glabrous, abaxially light green, sometimes glaucous, lateral leaflets narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, petiole 5-11 cm long, and leaf rachis glabrous. Flowers solitary, bracts 5, long elliptic; sepals 5, green, broadly ovate, petals 5 or double, rose, reddish purple, pink to white, usually variable, Obovate, tip irregularly undulate; anthers oblong, 4 mm long; disk leathery, cupular, purplish red; carpels 5, sparse, densely pilose. Cymbals oblong, densely yellowish brown hirsute. Flowering in May; fruiting in June.

Beautiful flower color, jade smile and pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as "king of flowers" reputation. In the cultivation type, it can be divided into hundreds of varieties mainly according to the color of the flowers. " Peony variety, color is also many, to yellow, green, flesh red, crimson, silver red as the top grade, especially yellow, green is expensive. Peony flowers are large and fragrant, so they are also known as "national color and heavenly fragrance".

Geographical distribution

It originated in Qinling Mountains of our country. Cultivation has a long history and is widely distributed in North and Central China.

Methods and matters needing attention of peony culture

Soil requirements for peony culture

1. Soil quality: peony is suitable for loose, fertile and deep soil. The drainage capacity of soil must be good.

2. Soil: neutral or neutral slightly alkaline soil.

Requirements for water in peony culture

As the saying goes, peonies should be dry rather than wet. Peony is a deep-rooted fleshy root, afraid of long-term stagnant water, usually watering should not be too much, should be properly dry.

Requirements of fertilization in peony culture

As the saying goes: clear peony, turbid peony. The cultivation of peony base fertilizer must be sufficient. Base fertilizer can be compost, cake manure or manure. It is usually better to apply fertilizer three times a year, that is, spraying phosphate fertilizer plus flower Zhuangtiling half a month before flowering, compound fertilizer once half a month after flowering, and composting before winter to ensure flowering in the second year. Spraying new high-fat membrane can greatly improve the effective component rate of pesticides.

Temperature requirements for peony culture

Peonies are cold-resistant and not resistant to high temperatures. In both eastern and central China, the flower buds began to expand gradually when the winter temperature reached 4 ℃. The suitable temperature is 16-20 ℃, and it will not blossom below 16 ℃. At high temperatures in summer, plants are semi-dormant.

Requirements for light in peony culture

Yin camellia, Yang peony. Peonies like the sun, but they don't like the sun. When planting, you need to choose a higher eastward sunny place, and the potted plants should be placed on a sunny eastward balcony, such as a south balcony or roof platform, and shade in the west.

Culture methods of peony flowers

Peony planting should be in accordance with local conditions, the planting place should be high dry to the sun, in the shade where the plant growth is thin, can not bloom. The growth is best where there is a lateral shade. The soil should choose sandy loam or loam which is loose, fertile, deep and well drained. The pH value of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic or alkaline.

1, habits: peonies like cool summer, winter is not too cold places, there should be moderate rainfall (or spraying water), sufficient light (summer noon strong light to slightly shade). The soil quality should be loam or clayey loam rich in humus (but not too sticky). Avoid saline-alkali soil, drainage must be good, require moderate moisture, summer is not too dry.

2. Planting: peony is a kind of deep-rooted flowers and trees, deep ploughing should be carried out before planting, and base fertilizer should be applied (such as bone powder, cruller, chicken manure, etc.).

3. Fertilization: it is best to apply fertilizer three times a year, the first time in the new shoot, when the leaves and buds are stretching, mainly by applying quick-acting fertilizer; the second time after flower fade, it is still dominated by available fertilizer; the third time in autumn and winter, mainly by base fertilizer.

4. Intermediate ploughing: after several days of watering each time, ploughing in time, but the depth should not exceed 5 cm.

5. Pruning and pruning: cut off the remaining flowers after the flowers are withered. In order to make the crown low and flowers dense, it can be pruned before July to avoid the influence of dense branches on flowering. It is advisable to leave 6 main branches per tree.

6. Others: the peony is not resistant to waterlogging (good drainage is required), but it should not be too dry and should be kept moderately moist.

7. If there are conditions, you can plant the peony on the ground together with the flowerpot. If it is not very dry, you can ignore it, which will save a lot of trouble.

Matters needing attention in peony culture

The main results are as follows: 1. If there is too much water in the cultivated soil, the fleshy root is easy to rot.

2. Peony is not tolerant to high temperature, so cooling measures should be taken in time when it is hot in summer.

3, for its shade, to prevent fallen leaves, if it is allowed to heat, fallen leaves, will seriously affect the future flowering.

Common problems in the process of peony planting:

1. I always see peony seeds the size of broad beans sold on the street. can such seeds blossom?

A: yes, but it takes a long time. It takes four or five years from sowing to flowering. These seeds are generally regardless of varieties, a few years later, most of the flowers are white, a few are pink, commonly known as white or red, is the original peony variety.

2. How to choose and buy peony seedlings when growing peonies at home?

Answer: if you grow peonies at home, you'd better choose peony seedlings. Peony seedlings that are more than three years old are generally selected. They are planted in the first year and will blossom the following year. To buy peony seedlings, you can go to the flower market or find a florist in Tuqiao Village and Tsuktou Village of the Mangshan office.

The price of peony seedlings varies according to variety and market. Generally speaking, varieties like black, yellow and green are more expensive and expensive. Residents who plant peonies at home can choose Luoyang Red, 18th, Chunhong Jiaoyan, first case Red and other varieties widely planted in Luoyang area, with local characteristics and strong vitality. Most of the varieties to be planted in the peony garden for the readers of this evening paper are also these.

3. When and where is suitable for planting peonies?

A: as the saying goes, the Spring Equinox plants peonies and does not blossom until he is old. The appropriate time for planting peonies is from the Autumn Equinox to Cold Dew every year, that is, September and October. As the saying goes, "Luoyang vein flowers are the most suitable, and peonies are especially strange in the world." The climate and soil conditions in Luoyang are beneficial to the reproduction of peony.

In addition, if you want the peony to grow well, you'd better choose sandy loam. If residents have a yard at home, the survival rate of planting peonies will be higher. If it is potted peony, it will be more painstaking when planting. Garden soil, rotten leaf soil and sandy loam can be used to make mixed soil. In addition, peonies should not be watered frequently, although they like the sun, but they are afraid of heat and avoid direct light. It would be better if there are trees around them when planting.

Finally, introducing the function of peony flowers, Li Shizhen points out that peonies are only used in medicine with single peonies of red and white colors, and other varieties are artificially cultivated to "smell impure and unusable." those with red flowers tend to benefit, while those with white flowers prefer tonics.

Peony flower is suitable for facial chloasma and skin aging. Regular drinking can make you full of qi and blood, ruddy appearance and full of spirit.