
How much is the latest price of rabbit meat per jin in 2019? What are the costs and profits of farming?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With the improvement of people's living standards, rabbit meat is becoming more and more popular among consumers. Meat rabbit has the advantages of fast reproduction, low cost and high survival rate, so raising meat rabbit has become an efficient industry. So, how much is the latest price of rabbit meat in 2019? Raising meat rabbits.

With the improvement of people's living standards, rabbit meat is becoming more and more popular among consumers. Meat rabbit has the advantages of fast reproduction, low cost and high survival rate, so raising meat rabbit has become an efficient industry. So, how much is the latest price of rabbit meat in 2019? What are the costs and profits of raising meat rabbits?

How much is the latest price of rabbit meat per jin in 2019?

Anhui Belgian rabbit 90, Honghe New Zealand meat rabbit 88, Shandong rabbit farm Rex rabbit 50, Shandong large Belgian meat rabbit 75, Angora improved rabbit 118, long-haired adult meat rabbit 100, there are 100 New Zealand meat rabbits with reputation on the market.

In Sichuan area, the transaction date is in parentheses, unit: yuan / jin

Dujiangyan, Chengdu, Sichuan: 10.5 yuan / jin (1.9)

Ziyang, Sichuan: 9.5 yuan / jin (1.9)

Nanchong, Sichuan: 9.5 yuan / jin (1.9) to pull rabbits to the field

Pengzhou, Sichuan: 10.5 yuan / jin (1.8)

Gao County, Yibin, Sichuan: come to pull 9.2 / jin (1.8)

Sichuan Neijiang Zizhong: delivery price, 10.5 / jin (1.6)

Luzhou, Sichuan: there is a rise, sent to 11 yuan per jin (1.6)

Yibin, Sichuan: 4-5.5 jin, 10 yuan per jin (1.6)

Chongzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan: 10.8 yuan per jin (1.3)

Dujiangyan, Chengdu, Sichuan: 10.8 yuan per jin (1.3)

[Shandong area]

Taian, Shandong: over 4 jin, 8.8 yuan / jin (1.9)

Jining, Shandong: 9.1 yuan / jin (1.9)

Pingyi, Feixian County, Linyi, Shandong: more than 3.5, 8.8 yuan / jin (1.7)

Zibo, Shandong: more than 4 jin, 9 yuan / jin (1.7)

Liangshan, Jining, Shandong: 8.8 yuan / jin (1.7)

Anqiu, Weifang, Shandong: more than 3.5 jin, currency 8.7 yuan per jin (1.5)

[Jiangsu area]

Xuzhou, Jiangsu: average weight 3.8 jin, 8.5 yuan / jin (1.7)

[Henan area]

Shangqiu, Henan: over 4.5 jin, 8.8 yuan / jin (1.9)

Henan Kaifeng: 8.8 yuan / jin (1.9)

Zhengzhou, Henan: over 4 jin, 8.8 yuan / jin (1.9)

Kaifeng, Henan: average weight is 4 jin, 8.3 yuan / jin (1.8)

[Xinjiang region]

Xinjiang: 10 yuan / jin (1.9)

[Guizhou area]

Guizhou Anshun Pingba: 4-6 jin, 8.7 yuan / jin (1.7)

[Fujian area]

Nanjing, Zhangzhou, Fujian: over 4.5 jin, 10.5 yuan / jin (1.8)

The arrival of goods in Longyan City, Fujian Province is 10.5 yuan / jin (1.7).

Longyan City, Fujian Province: 10.5 yuan per jin (1.3)

[Guangdong area]

Guangdong Jieyang: commercial rabbit 11.5 yuan per jin (1.5)

[Guangxi region]

Guilin, Guangxi: 11 yuan per jin (1.7)

Second, the cost and profit of raising meat rabbits?

The average annual purchase price of the commodity rabbit market is about 60 yuan. 60 yuan (income)-30 yuan (raising cost) = 30 yuan (net profit of a commercial rabbit) x 55 (annual output of a female rabbit) = 1650 yuan (one year's net profit of a female rabbit)

Meat rabbit breeding has the advantages of good benefit, small price fluctuation, high reproduction rate and fast turnover, which is suitable for large-scale breeding and standardized breeding of entrepreneurial subjects under the condition of farmers. A female rabbit can produce about 40 commercial rabbits a year, and the production cycle of breeding rabbits is 3 years, nearly 100 commercial rabbits can be produced, each meat rabbit grows to 2.25 kg in an average of 80 days, and each rabbit can get a net profit of 8-10 yuan. Except that the high temperature in summer can not be produced, a female rabbit can get a net profit of 300-400 yuan per year to produce commercial rabbits.

A piece of ordinary formaldehyde rabbit skin plate costs 300 yuan, while a rabbit skin plate tanned without formaldehyde costs as much as 600 yuan. For example, in such a low situation, a company in Hebei recently slaughtered 2800 Rex rabbits at a sales price of 50 yuan per piece, each rabbit meat price of 24.50 yuan, the two add up to a Rex rabbit price of 74.50 yuan, about 13 or 14 yuan per catty.

In short, "how much is the latest price of rabbit meat per jin in 2019?" The cost and profit of raising meat rabbits? " This is the end of the introduction, I hope I can help you!