
Watch how turtles spend the winter

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Turtles go into hibernation in winter. If you don't pay attention, the watching turtles may freeze to death. So how do watching ghosts spend the winter? First, how to spend the winter with watching turtles? 1. If it is a baby turtle, it is not recommended to let the baby turtle hibernate, because in this way, the tortoise is very easy.

Turtles go into hibernation in winter. If you don't pay attention, the watching turtles may freeze to death. So how do watching ghosts spend the winter?

First, how to spend the winter with watching turtles?

1. If it is a baby turtle, it is not recommended to let the baby turtle hibernate, because in this way, the tortoise is very easy to die, the newly born turtle cannot withstand the severe cold in winter, and the mortality rate is very high. We have to put them in the house and continue to feed them. Until the turtle is two years old and has the ability to withstand the severe cold, we will let the tortoise hibernate.

two。 You can put a layer of potted mud at the bottom of the tortoise container with a thickness of 3 centimeters, spread water grass on top and put it in an ice-free place inside the straw. We will release the tortoise again next year.

3. During the hibernation of the tortoise, we do not disturb the normal metabolism of the tortoise, that is, do not go to see the tortoise. If we disturb them at this time, it is easy to make the tortoise wake up repeatedly in the hibernating state, resulting in the death of the tortoise.

4. The hibernating temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius, so when raising turtles outdoors, you must remember to put the turtles in the middle of the thick straw to ensure that the temperature inside is higher than the critical temperature that the turtles can bear.

Second, the habitat of ornamental turtles

Ornamental turtles generally live in streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs and mountain streams, and sometimes go ashore. In the natural environment, turtles feed on worms, snails, shrimp and small fish, as well as plant stems and leaves. Tortoise is a kind of variable temperature animal. In winter, or when the temperature is low for a long time, the tortoise will go into hibernation. Different species of turtles have different temperatures to begin hibernation, but usually at 10-16 ℃. At this time, the tortoise shrinks in its shell for a long time and is almost inactive. at the same time, it breathes less, its body temperature drops, the speed of blood circulation and metabolism slows down, and it consumes relatively less nutrients. This state is similar to sleep, except that it is a deep sleep that lasts for several months, and even shows a slight state of paralysis.