
How do starlings spend the winter?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starlings in the wild will fly to relatively warm places to spend the winter before winter. For example, starlings in northern Europe and Russia will migrate to the relatively warm UK for the winter. If it is a domestic starling, pay attention to do a good job of warm measures, set up cage clothes, bask in more sun.

Starlings in the wild will fly to relatively warm places to spend the winter before winter. For example, starlings in northern Europe and Russia will migrate to the relatively warm UK for the winter. If it is a domestic starling, pay attention to do a good job of warm measures, set up cage clothes, bask in more sun. Next, let's introduce how starlings are raised.

How to raise starling birds?

1. Prepare for

Choose the cage first, the starling cage has dome round cage, flat top round cage, vaulted square cage and so on, you can choose as you like, the general diameter and height of the cage is about 40cm. Place a jumping stick in the cage and prepare two small bowls, one for food and the other for water. Put a board at the bottom of the cage to hold excrement and an external cage jacket.

two。 Feed

The young birds purchased can be fed with boiled eggs, steamed bread, rice and tofu, or the meat can be chopped into mud and rubbed into small balls, feeding 3-5 balls at a time. Feed some water with an eyedropper or small straw after feeding, once every hour or two. The chicks can first make a nest in a cardboard box, pad with some soft rags, put it into the nest after feeding, and put the nest in a dark place to keep warm and prevent cold. After the chicks can feed themselves, add egg yolk and drinking water to the cage every day, but it should not be overfilled.

3. Water bath

Starlings like water baths, once a day or every few days in summer, reduce the frequency in spring and autumn, and rarely take water baths in winter. The water temperature should be kept between 0 and 12 degrees. Starlings want to take a bath with clean water. In addition, starlings are naturally afraid of the cold, so birdcages should have cages, keep warm at all times in winter, and let starlings bask in the sun on sunny days.

4. Clean

Starlings eat a lot of Dora, and the feces have a fishy smell, so the bottom of the cage and the dung support plate should be cleaned once a day, and some fine sand can be put on the bottom of the cage to prevent pollution of the starlings' toes. Bird food should be fresh, especially soft materials and powder are easy to deteriorate, it is generally appropriate to eat in 1-2 hours, clean the food tank every day, replace new drinking water, and other cage supplies should be washed 3-4 times a week.

The starling is a kind of bird that is afraid of the cold, so we must ensure a warm environment in winter so that it can survive the winter.