
What are the latest flowers suitable for growing in Jilin? what are city flowers and city trees?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. The climatic characteristics of Jilin Province is located in the middle latitudes, Jilin Province belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons, dry and windy in spring, hot and rainy in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter, but the overall climate is warm and Rain Water is abundant, so it is common for most of them.

I. Climatic characteristics of Jilin Province

Jilin Province, located in the middle latitudes, belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons, with strong dry wind in spring, hot and rainy summer, crisp autumn and cold winter, but the overall climate is warm and Rain Water is abundant, so for most common flowers, are more suitable for planting in Jilin.

What kind of flowers are suitable for growing in Jilin

Generally speaking, ground plants are greatly affected by the regional environment, aiming at the geographical location and climatic characteristics of Jilin Province. It is suitable for planting rose, clove, purple leaf plum, Juglans mandshurica, mountain peony, curly peony lily, peony, mountain apricot, begonia, yellow thorn rose, Yu beauty, rhododendron, flowering belt, bellows, bellows, pearl Spiraea, red Redwood, forsythia, elm leaf plum, wood Spiraea, Jinshan Spiraea, drunken butterfly, canna, eight treasure Rhodiola, day lily, iris, carnation, Sugenfu Luke, jade hairpin, purse peony, peony, Clover, evening primrose and so on.

3. What are the city flowers and trees in Jilin

The city flower of Jilin is rose, and the city tree is weeping willow. Jilin is a northern river city, and rose expresses a kind of romantic feelings, which is consistent with the style of Jilin city, so the rose is chosen as the city flower of the city. As for the city tree weeping willow, it has a very long history of cultivation in Jilin, and it is also a common landscaping plant in Jilin. It is deeply loved by Jilin citizens, symbolizing beauty, harmony and prosperity, so weeping willow is chosen as the city tree of the city.