
Forecast when corn prices are most likely to rise in 2017?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to Brick's forecast, the corn output of the three provinces and one region in Northeast China in 2016 will be 1.2-130 million tons, and the total amount of corn purchased will be about 6000-70 million tons. Judging from the overall progress of grain sales, the progress of corn acquisition will begin to slow down after the year, but considering that around March after the beginning of the year, the progress of corn acquisition will begin to slow down.

According to Brick's forecast, the corn output of the three provinces and one region in Northeast China in 2016 will be 1.2-130 million tons, and the total amount of corn purchased will be about 6000-70 million tons. Judging from the overall progress of grain sales, the progress of corn acquisition will begin to slow down after the year. However, considering that there will be a grain buying peak around March after the beginning of the year, the corn supply pressure will be highlighted again, and there is a greater probability of corn prices going down.

According to the announcement of the National Grain Trading Center, the purchase period ends in May 2017, and the deadline for Jilin and Heilongjiang export relief policies is also at the end of April, when the enthusiasm of southern feed enterprises to build a database will also be greatly improved.

At the same time, the acquisition deadline of the corn deep processing subsidy in Northeast China is the end of April, and the implementation period is to the end of June, which will promote the Northeast region to actively build a warehouse before the acquisition deadline. Based on this, we think that corn prices will be supported to a certain extent after April. Do not rule out a small increase.

It is suggested that according to their own actual situation, "lying grain on the ground" should be sold in time, and those who have the storage capacity can wait for the off-peak sale in due course.