
Where does the climbing vine plant gourd grow? Where can I put it in feng shui? How to choose?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Gourd, belongs to the gourd family, gourd plants, it is climbing vines, annual climbing herbs, ranging from 10 centimeters to one meter in length, the heaviest up to a kilogram. So, where does the gourd grow? Where can I put it in feng shui? How to choose? 1. Gourd

Gourd, belongs to the gourd family, gourd plants, it is climbing vines, annual climbing herbs, ranging from 10 centimeters to one meter in length, the heaviest up to a kilogram. So, where does the gourd grow? Where can I put it in feng shui? How to choose?

Where does the gourd grow?

The gourd likes a warm, sheltered environment and needs a lot of places to grow. The seedlings are afraid of the cold. The fresh gourd skin is light green and the flesh is white. The fruit is also known as gourd and can be harvested and eaten as a vegetable when it is not ripe. Cultivated all over China. It is also widely cultivated in tropical to temperate regions of the world.

Second, where can I put the gourd in fengshui?

1. The gourd had better be hung on the window frame of the house, on the right side of the door frame, and must be under the eaves, taking its meaning of "fortune is boundless" and "double circle".

two。 Gourds can also be placed in the house, but not in the middle of the house, the position should be partial, let alone facing the door, take the meaning of "keeping money according to the house, good fortune and peace".

3. You can put three gourds at the head of the bed.

4. Two gourds can be prepared, one hanging on the back of the door and the other hanging on the kitchen door or near the gas stove in the kitchen.

5. You can also find out the location of the "disease star" and place the gourd in this direction.

Third, how to choose gourds?

1. The gourd should be dry, good in shape and straight in core.

2. The gourd should have the feeling of falling on the hand. the heavier the gourd is, the higher the density is, so the growth period of the gourd should be long.

3. A pinch of the gourd on the hand should have a round and smooth feel.

4. The inside should be bran, thick and elastic like a sponge mat. Jargon: porcelain bran.

5. The skin color of the gourd should be clean, there must be no defects, and it should be as clean as water.

6. Never take a gourd with a pale skin, because the gourd must have been soaked in potion.

7. Pick up the gourd and ask about the taste of the inside and outer skin with your nose. The gourd that has not been tampered with should give out a rich and natural gourd fragrance. For example, the inside and outer skin of the gourd have a pungent taste or no taste at all, which shows that the gourd itself has been tampered with and resolutely do not want it.