
Time and method of dragon fruit fertilization: what fertilizer grows fast? What fertilizer is good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pitaya believe that many people have eaten, especially in Guangdong, pitaya not only taste delicious, its appearance is also very good, with a certain ornamental value, so many people began to plant pitaya. So what kind of fertilizer does pitaya grow fast? What fertilizer?

Pitaya believe that many people have eaten, especially in Guangdong, pitaya not only taste delicious, its appearance is also very good, with a certain ornamental value, so many people began to plant pitaya. So what kind of fertilizer does pitaya grow fast? What fertilizer is good? Now for everyone to organize pitaya fertilization time and method.

What kind of fertilizer does dragon fruit grow fast? What fertilizer is good?

In different growth periods of pitaya, fertilization is also particular, such as one to two years of pitaya, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, more than three years of adult pitaya trees mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application. When fertilizing, try to use organic fertilizer as the main fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. In the month before flowering, apply some organic fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium once. After pitaya enters the fruiting period, remember to apply organic fertilizer once every 15 to 20 days. It is recommended not to apply fertilizer solid fertilizer and mixed fertilizer, because if these fertilizers are applied for a long time, the residual fertilizer residue will slowly accumulate on the surface of the pot soil, and the pot soil will overflow after a long time, which will also affect the absorption of fertilizer water by dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit fertilization time

1. Base fertilizer

It was carried out in January and February before colonization. In the orchard planting pit on hilly hillside, about 40- 50kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, weeds, mushroom manure, livestock manure and other organic fertilizers are applied in layers per pit, and 3kg of lime is applied; in the orchard on flat land, about 15- 20kg of decomposed livestock manure or mushroom manure and 1.5kg of lime are applied into each planting hole.

2. Fertilization in vegetative growth period

The vegetative growth period of pitaya is from planting to flowering. Fertilization can be applied to promote rapid growth of branches after confirming that the plants have survived after planting. At seedling stage, it is appropriate to apply decomposed bran cake liquid fertilizer (water and fertilizer) or decomposed livestock manure water fertilizer. On the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, apply fertilizer once each time when new branches sprout and when new branches begin to turn green, and each time liquid fertilizer is about 1.5-2 kg/column. Organic compound fertilizer can also be used, and the amount of fertilizer applied each time is about 50-80g/column. From the second year, the amount of fertilizer application increased by about 50%-80% compared with the first year.

3. Fertilization during fruiting period

Pitaya blossoms many times a year, the flowering and fruiting period lasts for more than 6 months, the branches, flowers and fruits grow at the same time, and generally there are 5 main fertilization periods throughout the year. Winter tree tray covered with organic fertilizer: in winter 12-January when the branches have completely turned green, tree tray covered with organic fertilizer, each column applied mixed organic fertilizer 10 kg, or covered with soil miscellaneous fertilizer, each column applied 15 kg. The aim is to improve the soil, increase organic matter and enhance the cold resistance of plants. Flower-promoting fertilizer: 1-1.5 kg organic fertilizer compound fertilizer per column is applied in the middle of April to promote the development of flower buds and improve flower quality. Flower and fruit strengthening fertilizer: in the middle of June, 0.5- 1kg of decomposed bran cake fertilizer and 0.5kg of organic fertilizer compound fertilizer are applied to each column to strengthen flowers, promote fruit growth and improve quality. Heavy fertilizer to promote flower and fruit: in the middle of August, focus on the production of Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day fruit. 1- 1.5kg of decomposed bran cake fertilizer and 0.8- 1kg of Norway compound fertilizer (N 15: P 15: K 15) are applied to each column to promote more flowering, fruit expansion and quality improvement. Fruit strengthening and tree vigor restoring fertilizer: Apply Norway compound fertilizer (N 15: P 15: K 15) 0.5- 1kg per column, decomposed bran cake liquid fertilizer 3- 4kg, aiming at promoting the expansion of the last batch of fruits, restoring tree vigor and promoting branch growth.

4. Foliar topdressing

Spray 3-5 times of nutrient solution foliar fertilizer at bud stage and fruit development stage. Common foliar fertilizer types are: potassium dihydrogen phosphate, nucleotide, organic foliar fertilizer, spraying concentration according to the instructions reasonable use.

Summary of time and method of dragon fruit fertilization

Method of Fertilizing Pitaya

1. circular fertilization

Circular fertilization is also known as wheel fertilization, which is mainly to dig a circular groove on the periphery of pitaya crown for fertilization. This fertilization method is relatively simple and economical. However, it is easy to destroy horizontal roots in the actual process of trenching, and the area and scope of fertilization are small, so this method is generally more suitable for the fertilization process of young trees.

2. semi-circular fertilization

This method is similar to the ring fertilization described above, mainly dividing the ring into three to four pig-groove-type fertilizer grooves. This method is also known as pigweed fertilization. The damage and destruction of this fertilization method to the roots is small, and the appropriate replacement of the fertilization position will effectively expand the fertilization position. It can be applied to both flat and mountainous areas. It is a fertilizer method often used in modern hilly orchards.

3. fertigation

This way of fertilization is to combine fertilization and irrigation. With the development and perfection of drip irrigation technology in China in recent years, this technology has also been popularized and applied accordingly. Irrigated fertilization, whether combined with sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation, will not cause damage to roots due to timely fertilizer supply and relatively uniform fertilizer distribution, and can also ensure that the soil structure of the tillage layer will not be changed, greatly saving labor. This method and other fertilization methods are properly combined to improve and supplement the deficiencies of various fertilization methods and maximize the effectiveness of fertilizers.

fertilization management

After planting each year, fertilization can begin when it is certain that the seedlings have survived. In the seedling stage of pitaya, it is best to focus on water and fertilizer, and ensure that thin fertilizer is applied frequently, about twice a month is the best, and gradually increase the amount of fertilizer on this basis. For adult plants, try to choose spring of each year when fertilizing them, especially for fruiting plants, May is the best month for fertilization. In this process, attention should be paid to the maintenance of fertilizer moisture, so that it can be applied and managed under appropriate climatic conditions to ensure the large and sweet fruit.

It should be noted that in the process of fertilization, in order to make the effect of fertility penetrate into the fruit of pitaya as soon as possible, it is necessary to strengthen the fixation of fertilizer on the soil and pitaya leaves. However, it is necessary to further control its fertilization, and do not have excessive fertilizer.