
Can I eat watermelon seeds when eating watermelons? Are the white seeds edible? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Summer is hot, summer without watermelons is not called summer! But there are a lot of seeds in watermelons. Some people think that watermelon seeds cannot be digested and must be spit out, but some people find it troublesome and simply eat them together. Can I eat watermelon seeds when eating watermelons? It's white and edible.

Summer is hot, summer without watermelon is not called summer! But watermelon has a lot of seeds, some people think watermelon seeds can not be digested, must spit out; but some people too troublesome, simply eat together. Can watermelon seeds be eaten when eating watermelon? Is it edible if it is white? How to grow?

Can watermelon seeds be eaten?

Watermelon seeds can be eaten, watermelon seeds are rich in oil, there are stomach, laxative effect, no appetite or constipation may wish to eat some watermelon seeds such as seeds, watermelon seeds can not be swallowed whole, watermelon seed shell texture is hard, difficult to digest, when eating watermelon seeds and mixed with food, can be discharged with stool; when eating watermelon seeds in large quantities, may lead to stool secret knot, abdominal distension, and even cause intestinal obstruction, urinary retention, appendicitis and so on.

1. Black seeds: best to spit them out

Black watermelon seeds hard shell, not easy to digest, it is best not to eat too much.

If you eat a small amount, you can discharge it with your stool. However, if you eat a lot of watermelon, and do not spit watermelon seeds, intestinal peristalsis will gather into a group, easy to cause abdominal distension, constipation, and even cause intestinal obstruction, appendicitis and so on.

White seeds: can be swallowed

If it is a normal white watermelon seed, it can be eaten.

But some farmers smear small amounts of plant growth regulators on the stems of young watermelons to help them bloom and set fruit, making the treated seeds white. Usually, the first batch of watermelons on the market, if white seeds, mostly used growth regulators, and the taste is also poor, this kind of white seed watermelon eat less is better.

Watermelon seeds

1. Lower blood pressure

Watermelon seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which lower blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, watermelon seeds contain a saponin like ingredients, not only can reduce blood pressure, but also can alleviate acute cystitis. Friends with high blood pressure can eat properly.

2. Promote metabolism and delay aging

Watermelon seeds are rich in vitamin E, which can promote metabolism and improve immunity. In addition, vitamin E is also a highly effective antioxidant, which can improve skin blood circulation, enhance cell vitality, delay aging, and make your skin smooth and tender without wrinkles!

3. Clearing lung and resolving phlegm

Watermelon seeds taste sweet, flat nature, can Qingfei Runchang, phlegm quench thirst. Cough sputum friends can eat properly, it can alleviate the pain.

4, stomach laxative

Watermelon seeds are rich in oil, so a small amount of food can strengthen the stomach, laxative. Loss of appetite or constipation friends can be appropriate to eat.

If you feel that the taste is not good, you can use a cooking machine to break the watermelon seeds, cook them and add yogurt or honey to drink, or directly juice them with watermelon pulp. It can also clear away heat and relieve fire!

Avoid eating watermelon under the following circumstances

1. Female menstrual period

Watermelon cold, menstrual female friends, reduced immunity, it is best not to eat watermelon.

2. Diabetes

Friends with diabetes, must not eat too much watermelon in a short time, easy to lead to elevated blood sugar, serious metabolic disorders can also cause acidosis, life-threatening.

3, kidney is not good

Friends with renal insufficiency, the kidney's ability to regulate water will be significantly reduced, if too much water intake in the body, can not adjust the discharge in time, easy to lead to a sharp increase in blood volume, causing acute heart failure life-threatening.

4. Deficiency of body and cold stomach

If a friend with a weak stomach eats too much watermelon, it will lead to abdominal distension and diarrhea, decreased appetite, and aggravated cold toxin and dampness toxin.

Watermelon seed cultivation

1. Watermelon sowing

1. Buy a watermelon and eat it, leaving the watermelon seeds behind. Try to buy small watermelon seeds, such as black beauty, yellow jade and so on. (Of course, the watermelons now are hybrid seedlings. If you eat the seeds left by watermelon, the watermelons that grow may not be particularly large, but they can also be eaten.) If you are demanding of yourself, buy professional seeds.)

2, the seeds soaked in water for 3-4 hours, and then prepare the seedling box and soil, the soil will be watered thoroughly, the seeds of watermelon will be scattered, covered with dry soil (do not water immediately after covering the soil, otherwise hardened, difficult to emerge, but spray water every day to maintain humidity). If you don't have a nursery box, you can also use paper towels to wet the seedlings.

3. After a few days, the seedlings will come out. Because the roots of watermelon are deep, transplant it into a large and deep flowerpot; soil, it is best to use vegetable garden soil and rotten leaf soil to ensure loose ventilation, and it is best to put some decomposed organic fertilizer; in addition, in order to penetrate water, there should be drainage holes at the bottom of the flowerpot.

II. Management of melon seedlings

1. After the seedlings are unearthed, they can be managed according to normal conditions. Watering should not be too much to prevent rotten roots. But young seedlings should often spray water to maintain humidity.

2, wait until the watermelon seedlings grow to 4-5 leaves, you can pick the heart, sprout axillary buds, increase the number of vines.

3, melon vine long, you can hit the top, prevent it only long vine does not grow fruit. At the same time straighten out the vines, facing in one direction, or coil them on bamboo poles or ropes, so that the melon seedlings can grow upwards.

4, watermelon growth period of fertilizer water demand is relatively large, can apply compound fertilizer, usually can also pour some fermented rice washing water.

III. Pollinating and picking

1. After 20 days of watermelon planting, male flowers will bloom, and female flowers will bloom in a few days. At this time, pollination is needed.

Pollinating should be done on a sunny morning. There are small watermelons under the female flowers, which should be kept. There are no small watermelons under the male flowers. The pollen of the male flowers should be painted on the top and side of the female flower stigma. After the powder is given, water should be poured and potassium fertilizer should be applied.

Tip: a pot, at most 2 watermelon can be left, do not greedy oh!

2. Watermelon ripens about 28-40 days after successful pollination. Water can be increased 20 days before picking, and water should be reduced 10 days before picking to make watermelon sweeter.