
What are the reasons for the late ripening of "meat in the field" soybean? How to avoid it? How do you find out?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, During the growth of soybean, late ripening is the most common thing, and it is also the most distressing thing for farmers, because late ripening of soybean will obviously affect the yield of soybean, but if it is properly controlled, it can still be prevented and controlled. The reasons for the late ripening of soybeans are

During the growth of soybean, late ripening is the most common thing, and it is also the most distressing thing for farmers, because late ripening of soybean will obviously affect the yield of soybean, but if it is properly controlled, it can still be prevented and controlled. What are the reasons for the late ripening of soybeans? How to avoid it? How to find late ripening soybeans?

Reasons for late ripening:

The main results are as follows: 1. The variety selection is not the right way, and the growth period of the selected variety is too long, which leads to late maturity.

2. Excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizer leads to greedy green and late ripening.

3. The sowing time is delayed. When everyone else has finished sowing, you will sow the seeds. Can you not mature too late? remember the old saying that early planting in spring and three days early harvest in autumn.

4. The late ripening of soybean is caused by soil fertility, cultivation density, management level, diseases and insect pests and so on.

How to avoid late ripening of soybeans?

1. Choose the soybean varieties with suitable growth period which are mainly popularized in the local area, and do not choose the new varieties that have not been used locally.

2. The sowing time should be suitable. Generally, the sowing time in Northeast China is from late April to early and mid-May. Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang northward according to the above-mentioned time successively sowing.

3. The sowing rate should be determined according to soil fertility, local temperature and frost-free period, and should not be too large. The number of seedlings per mu is generally about 1.8 ~ 20000. Strengthen field management, shovel in time, and eliminate diseases, insect pests and weeds.

4. Rational fertilization, rational use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too large, appropriate increase of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

How to find late ripening?

Such as dark green leaves, vigorous growth, delayed flowering and other phenomena, we should immediately take the following measures to promote early maturity to control the vegetative growth of soybeans.

The main results are as follows: 1. in the early flowering stage and full flowering stage of soybean, the mixture of precocious regulator and potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed twice to promote reproductive growth, but urea and other fertilizers should not be applied at this time.

2. When the plant height of soybean reaches or exceeds the normal plant height, the method of cutting off the growth point can be adopted to control the growth. the specific method is to use the sickle wheel to cut the top growth point of soybean to control the vigorous growth.

3. Strengthen field management, disperse soil moisture, reduce fertilizer and water supply in a short time, slow down and flourish, and promote precocious maturity. In short, in soybean cultivation, it should be planted reasonably according to the local actual situation, and immediate measures should be taken to find the signs of late maturity, which are generally able to mature normally.