
What is the effect and function of Bing Dou? What are the matters needing attention when eating soldier beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The growing period of Bingdou is short, the seeds are edible, and the stems and leaves can be used as livestock feed. So what is the effect and effect of Bing Dou? What is the medicinal value? What are the matters needing attention when eating soldier beans? First, the efficacy and function of Bing Dou? Comparison of the growth period of Bingdou in Garden

The growing period of Bingdou is short, the seeds are edible, and the stems and leaves can be used as livestock feed. So what is the effect and effect of Bing Dou? What is the medicinal value? What are the matters needing attention when eating soldier beans?

First, the efficacy and function of Bing Dou?

Gardening aspect

The growing period of Bingdou is relatively short, and it can usually be used as a plant to make up for the shortage, and other crops can continue to be planted after receiving the goods. Its seeds are edible and its stems and leaves can be used to feed livestock. If it is turned deep into the ground when it grows, it is still a very good green manure.

Medicinal aspect

1. Bingdou can treat neck lymphoid tuberculosis, ulcers and other diseases, the method is to use the right amount of Bingdou, grind them into a fine powder, mix them with grape vinegar, and then apply them to the affected area.

two。 Bingdou can also have a very good therapeutic effect on rheumatoid arthritis. it is also ground into powder, but mix well with the right amount of flour, and then apply it to the affected area.

3. Bingdou can treat febrile ophthalmopathy by mixing powdered Bingdou with a certain amount of rose oil and wild alfalfa seeds, which only need to be applied to the outside of the sick eyes.

4. If you encounter a large number of urination or diarrhea, you can put the beans into the water, and then take them with the soup or eat them directly after cooking.

5. Bing Dou can also treat pneumonia. If sputum in the lungs causes cough, use it to treat it very well. After frying soup, add an appropriate amount of red mulberry juice and take it in harmony.

6. If there is dark gray on the face, you can use Bingdou and some melon seeds to grind, and apply the fine powder to the affected area with a good effect.

7. Bingdou's medicinal value is very extensive, but also can treat high blood pressure, mainly internal administration, can boil soup and boil water, the curative effect is generally very obvious.

8. Bing Dou also has the effect of clearing away toxic heat and eliminating inflammation. If the throat is swollen and sore or mastitis, it can play a very good role in reducing inflammation and swelling.

II. Matters needing attention in eating

Although we know that its medicinal value is very significant, we should pay attention to it when using it. It is not easy to digest and may cause abdominal distension. It is generally recommended to correct it with honey, fresh sesame oil and so on.