
Eating radish in winter is fastidious: what can't white radish eat together? Which of the taboos of eating radish is reliable?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, radish is not only suitable for winter food, but also rich in sugars and vitamin C, but there are always a variety of claims in life that this and that cannot be eaten together, what can't be eaten with white radish? Where is it?

As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". Radish is not only a food suitable for winter, but also rich in sugar and vitamin C, but there are always all kinds of saying in life that "this and that can't be eaten together". What can't radish eat with? What are the effects and effects? It's not suitable for anyone to eat?

I. the efficacy and function of white radish

White radish is rich in sugars, lignin, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E, as well as a variety of enzymes, so it has the following effects:

1. White radish has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm: according to traditional Chinese medicine records, white radish is pungent, sweet, cold, entering the lung and stomach meridian, and has a good antitussive and expectorant effect, which can make sputum thin and easy to cough, because radish is cool, so it is mainly to clear hot phlegm (sticky yellow phlegm) in resolving phlegm, usually cough phlegm, sputum is sticky and difficult to cough, generally hot phlegm, eating some white radish at this time, it is helpful to cough phlegm. White radish can be scraped and flour pancakes can be eaten.

2. White radish has the effect of enhancing body immunity: White radish is rich in vitamin C and zinc, which helps to enhance the immune function of the body and improve disease resistance.

3. The effect of white radish on digestion and appetite: some studies have found that white radish contains mustard oil and amylase, so it has a spicy taste, which can help digestion, increase appetite, reduce fat and prevent diseases such as cholelithiasis. People with frequent abdominal distension and defecation can drink raw white radish juice to help digestion.

[application] ① pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, aphonia, can be taken with ginger juice; ② nosebleed, can tamper with juice and wine a little hot service, can also tamper with juice nasal drops; ③ hemoptysis, cook cooked food with mutton and crucian carp; ④ prevent cold, can cook; ⑤ feet smelly, fumigate feet with radish frying water ⑥ chilblain, slice white radish, bake hot, wipe the affected part before going to bed every night, until the skin is red, continuous use effect is good; ⑦ oral ulcer, mash juice and appropriate amount of plain boiled water gargle, gargle several times a day; ⑧ nausea vomiting, chopped honey fried and carefully chewed.

What can't white radish be eaten with?

With a clear understanding of the efficacy of white radish, we can know which foods cannot be eaten together according to its characteristics, as follows:

1. White radish and warm tonic traditional Chinese medicine (Codonopsis pilosula, Radix Astragali, Ginseng, Panax quinquefolium, cooked land): affect the efficacy

Many people think that radish has the effect of antidote, so don't eat radish when taking traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, this is a misunderstanding and there is no scientific basis, but because white radish has the effect of "relieving qi" and "relieving stagnation". Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that if the action of qi is too much, it is easy to break qi, so eating radish will hinder the beneficial effect of tonifying drugs (such as ginseng and astragalus). Therefore, when eating white radish, you must be careful not to take drugs that replenish qi.

2. White radish and fungus: dermatitis

White radish and fungus belong to cold food, coupled with the fungus itself contains some allergens, eating with fungus will have an impact on some people with special sensitive physique, easy to cause them to appear allergic dermatitis, some sensitive physique people had better not eat like this.

3. White radish and carrot: decompose vitamin C.

It is said on the Internet that carrots contain a decomposing enzyme called ascorbic acid, which breaks down vitamin C in white radishes, so you can't eat them together! In fact, white radishes and carrots can be eaten together. Experts explain that not only carrots contain "ascorbic acid decomposing enzymes", but all plants have them, and white radishes are no exception, so this statement is not credible. Vitamin C in vegetables is easy to be destroyed, even if you don't eat carrots, carrots and white radishes, light, oxygen, heating and so on will be destroyed during cooking.

4. White radish cannot be mixed with acidic fruit: induce goiter

It is rumored that "radishes cannot be eaten with acidic fruits such as apples and oranges. If eaten together, the flavonoids in the fruits will be converted into thiocyanic acid, which inhibits thyroid action, in the intestines, leading to goiter!" Experts explain that the acidity and basicity of a food is not judged by its taste, but by the PH value of the ashes after it is burned. if divided according to the acidity and basicity of the food, all plant foods such as fruits and vegetables belong to alkaline food. so there is no such thing as acidic fruit! It's just that white radish contains a substance called glucosinolates, which is not suitable for people with goiter!

5. There are not too many taboos about eating radish

Experts tell us that as long as we have a balanced diet in life, food diversification is the basic principle of health, and we do not have to worry about too many taboos to eat radish. There are many vitamins, water and dietary fiber in white radish. It is also good to eat more in winter. As long as we pay attention to eating white radish, we must pay attention not to eat Qi-tonifying drugs and patients with goiter are not suitable to eat radish.

Third, white radish is not suitable for anyone to eat.

1. White radish is not suitable for people with spleen deficiency: because white radish has the effect of lowering qi and relieving stagnation, it is best not to eat white radish often for people with weak spleen and stomach.

2. White radish is not suitable for patients with chronic bronchitis and asthma: because the white radish is cold, those cough and asthma with deficiency cold as the main manifestation (phlegm white, thin quality or foamy sputum) had better not eat white radish, because if they are physically weak, eating cold food will certainly aggravate the disease, and even induce an acute attack of asthma. The constitution of people with chronic bronchitis and asthma is mainly "deficiency of spleen and kidney", so it is not suitable to eat white radish to remove phlegm.

3, white radish is not suitable for patients with goiter to eat: White radish is a cruciferous plant, it contains a substance called glucosinolates, its cell wall damage, will be reduced to thiocyanate, so goiter is not suitable for people to eat!

4. White radish is not suitable for patients with gastrointestinal diarrhea: White radish has the function of qi and digestion, and it also belongs to cold food, so if there are symptoms of gastrointestinal diarrhea, it is not suitable to eat white radish.

Conclusion: through the introduction of this article, we all know that white radish can not be eaten with anything. In fact, there are not so many taboos in life, as long as we do not eat too much in a balanced diet and pay more attention to it during illness, and white radish is an ordinary vegetable. Eating more usually is also good for your health.