
When will the pomegranate tree be transplanted? What are the precautions in the operation?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pomegranate trees have good drought and cold tolerance and have been widely planted in many areas in the north and south of China. In addition, pomegranate tree planting methods are also relatively diverse, not only can be cut, but also can be sown, and the vitality is tenacious, the survival rate is high. So in cultivating pomegranate trees

Pomegranate trees have good drought and cold tolerance and have been widely planted in many areas in the north and south of China. In addition, pomegranate tree planting methods are also relatively diverse, not only can be cut, but also can be sown, and the vitality is tenacious, the survival rate is high. So when will the pomegranate seedlings be transplanted after they have been cultivated? What are the precautions in the operation?

When is the best time to transplant pomegranate trees?

If the quality of pomegranate is not taken into account, then pomegranate trees can be transplanted all the year round, but if the pomegranate trees planted later can have high yield and high quality, the transplanting time must be selected according to local conditions.

1. Transplanting time of pomegranate trees in northern China.

As the winter in northern China is relatively cold, it is best to choose early spring for transplanting pomegranate trees, and it is also possible to transplant at the end of autumn, but corresponding measures should be taken to protect pomegranate trees from cold and warmth after successful transplanting.

2. Transplanting time of pomegranate trees in South China.

In the southern region, late spring and late autumn are better transplanting time, and the end of autumn is the better one.

Second, what are the points for attention when transplanting pomegranate trees?

1. Select high quality pomegranate seedlings for transplanting.

What kind of pomegranate saplings can be regarded as high quality? To put it simply, the annual pomegranate seedlings have at least 50 cm in height and 0.5-1 cm in stem. The height of the two-year-old pomegranate seedlings is more than 80 cm, and the diameter of the seedlings is 1.5-2 cm. In addition, the root system is more developed, and the main root should be at least 20 cm long. Large seedlings of fruit trees that are more than three years old should be raised with soil balls. In addition, it is best to have a quarantine certificate to ensure that there are no diseases and insect pests.

2. A layer of plastic film can be covered when transplanting.

If you want to improve the survival rate of transplanting, no matter which season the transplanting is, it is recommended to cover the roots of pomegranate seedlings with plastic film, which can effectively preserve fertilizer and water and promote the growth of pomegranate trees.

3. The transplanting site should be in the leeward and sunny place.

This is especially important for pomegranate growers in the north, which can shield pomegranate trees from the cold in the north wind area in winter and improve the survival rate. In addition, in the category of soil, sandy loam is the best, basic fertilizer and rotten ring fertilizer can be applied when transplanting.

4. Pay attention to the row spacing and direction of transplanting.

When transplanting pomegranate trees, it should be operated from north to south, the distance between rows and plants should not be too dense, it is best to maintain a distance of 2 to 3 meters, generally planting 110 pomegranate trees per mu is almost enough.

5. Proper fertilizer and water management after transplanting.

After transplanting, when there is no rain, it is recommended to water once a week and apply compound fertilizer every half a month.

6. Cold prevention measures should be taken for transplanting in autumn.

If it is a pomegranate tree transplanted in autumn, cultivate 50 centimeters of soil for the trunk of the young pomegranate tree until the climate gets warmer.

To sum up, the transplanting time of pomegranate trees should be operated according to the law of "southern autumn and northern spring", but it should be determined according to the temperature at that time, and the temperature when transplanting should be above 15 ℃. After transplanting, attention should be paid to the daily management of seedlings to promote rooting and survival.