
How much is a peony seedling? What is the planting time and method?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Paeonia lactiflora is not only a very popular flower plant, but also a common traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, in the process of planting, it can often realize the economic income of two seasons a year. This also makes Paeonia lactiflora become one of the planting projects favored by many rural entrepreneurs.

Paeonia lactiflora is not only a very popular flower plant, but also a common traditional Chinese medicine, so it can often achieve economic income of one or two seasons a year in the planting process, which makes peony become one of the favorite planting projects of many rural entrepreneurs. So how much is a peony seedling? What is the planting time and method?

First, how much is a peony seedling?

The price of peony seedlings is not expensive, each 40 cm high peony seedlings is about 0.2-0.5 yuan, if you buy more, negotiate with the owner of the seedling base, the price may also be more favorable.

In terms of purchase quantity, you can refer to 2500-3000 trees / mu.

In addition, when you buy peony seedlings, you should pay attention to the best purchase of seedlings that have been cultivated for 3 years, so that their resistance and stability are stronger when planting.

Second, when is the planting time of peony seedlings?

At present, peony can not only be sown and planted, but also can be planted with direct seeding seedlings, or even directly planted with peony root.

1. Planting time of peony seedlings

It should be carried out from August to September every year. The Autumn Equinox is the most suitable for planting peony seedlings.

This is mainly because from the growth habits of peony, the temperature is relatively high at this time, which is conducive to the germination of new roots, and is beneficial to the growth of peony after that.

2. Sowing time of Paeonia lactiflora

If you choose to sow and plant, the best sowing time is May-June of each year. If you take good care of it, you can basically emerge seedlings at this time in the second year, but you can not transplant seedlings immediately, but you should continue to cultivate them for one year. In August and September of the third year after sowing, seedlings can be transferred and planted.

3. Planting time of Paeonia lactiflora

As for the planting time of peony root, it is appropriate to plant peony root in autumn every year (around September), when planting can minimize the risk of damage to peony root, and is very helpful for the emergence of new roots and buds.

Thus it can be seen that when planting peony, people still cannot choose to plant it in spring like other flowers. As the saying goes, "the Spring Equinox divides the peony, but does not blossom when he is old." the nutrition stored in the root of peony cultivated in spring is not enough, it is easy to cause "congenital bad".

Third, what are the planting methods of peony seedlings?

1. Soil selection of plots

In the land where peony is planted, the soil must be fertile and more drained and breathable, so loam should be used.

Before planting, the plot should be ploughed and turned over to make beds, and apply good basic fertilizer, mature farm manure can be.

2. Planting of peony seedlings

After buying good peony seedlings, it should be planted immediately while the root system is still relatively wet, and the vertical bud point can be planted upward. Planting depth should not be too shallow or too deep, shallow easy to freeze, deep is not easy to sprout, it should be 3-4 cm above the covering bud.

3. Management of peony seedlings after planting.

(1) watering: as the planting of peony seedlings is already autumn, the soil will not be particularly dry and should not be irrigated too much water, especially in winter, we must avoid stagnant water, the general soil is a little moist, generally dry.

(2) fertilization: Paeonia lactiflora is a kind of plant that likes fertilizer. In addition to basic fertilizer, after planting peony seedlings, it is necessary to apply some water-soluble fertilizers every half of them when they grow new leaves. Topdressing 3 times a year from the second year.

(3) Light: before growing new roots and leaves, it is recommended to create a cool and visible astigmatism environment for peony seedlings, and give them plenty of sunlight after growing leaves.

Warm reminder: after peony blossoms, it can be pruned properly to promote the growth of peony and prevent diseases and insect pests at the same time.