
How much is the price of garlic per jin in 2019, and how is the market?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Garlic appears frequently on everyone's table and is the best natural antibiotic food and health food. A week has passed in 2019, and everyone is very concerned about the market situation of garlic this year. Let's take a look at the recent garlic price.

Garlic appears frequently on everyone's table and is the best natural antibiotic food and health food. A week has passed in 2019, and everyone is very concerned about the garlic market this year. Let's take a look at the recent garlic price, which can be used as a reference for growers who need to pay attention to "how much garlic is per jin in 2019".

How much is the price of garlic per jin in 2019?

According to the garlic trade network, the price of red garlic is 0.98-1.12 yuan per jin.

The price of white garlic is 4.5cm:1.35-1.45yuan / jin.

The price of garlic may have something to do with the market in different regions. Recently, the market in the Zhongmou producing area is stable and hard, the supply of scattered tonnage increases, the asking price of the stockholders insists, the purchasers take the goods normally, the purchase and sale is relatively smooth, the mainstream price does not change much, and the trading volume is stable. At present, the price of garlic rice is 0.87-0.95 yuan / jin, the general mixed price is 1.00-1.05 yuan / jin, and the mixed price is about 1.25 yuan / jin.

Recently, the price of garlic in Laiwu is generally mixed: about 1.50 yuan / jin. About 6.0cm:2.00 yuan / jin. 6.5cm:2.10-2.20yuan / jin.

According to Alibaba, Yunnan purple garlic alone costs 20 yuan per jin.

According to Huinong net: fresh garlic: 1.55-1.70 yuan, garlic rice: 2.04-2.12 yuan, Indonesian goods: 2.10-2.20 yuan, small third-grade: 1.80-1.90 yuan, general mixed grade: 2.20-2.30.

Second, garlic market in 2019?

1. Review the garlic market in 2018

The garlic market in 2018 will have reference value for the price of garlic in 2019. The supply of garlic exceeds demand in 2018, and garlic farmers lose about 1500 yuan per mu, so many growers begin to wait and see whether they will continue to grow garlic in 2019. As a result, the planting area of garlic will decline a lot. The government gave a lot of compensation in 2018. Because of the decline in acreage and inventory, prices in 2019 should also be optimistic.

2. Garlic market in 2019

The market of garlic slices is still not fast, and the supply of new goods has increased, the trading volume is small, and the situation of oversupply has not been alleviated for the time being. The price of garlic slices has not changed for the time being, and the price of new garlic slices is mostly at 745. Now the price of good tablets is maintained at 7800-8300 yuan per ton, and the garlic chip is 6800-7300 yuan per ton.

In conclusion, at the beginning of the 2019 New year! Wish garlic farmers 2019 garlic sales! Temporary garlic prices are also affected by 2018 stocks, and the supply exceeds demand situation. But the acreage has declined this year. On the whole, it should get better. I hope I can help you!