
Is the summer "sales king" watermelon hot or cool? What is the price trend in 2019?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the king of summer fruit, watermelon is one of the best-selling fruits in summer, and it can be seen everywhere in streets and supermarkets. Is watermelon hot or cool? What is the price trend in 2019? First, the basic introduction of watermelon 1. The producing area of watermelon

As the "king of fruit" in summer, watermelon is one of the best-selling fruits in summer, and it can be seen everywhere in streets and supermarkets. Is watermelon hot or cool? What is the price trend in 2019?

1. Basic introduction of watermelon

1. The producing area of watermelon

There are different opinions about the origin of watermelons, one is that watermelons are produced in Africa, they are fruits introduced from the western regions, and the other is that watermelons are found when Shennong tasted herbs. However, the more popular view is that watermelons originated in Africa and were introduced into China from the Western regions in the fourth or fifth centuries. However, at present, watermelons are distributed and planted all over the world, and watermelons are widely cultivated in China, and watermelons in Xinjiang, Lanzhou, Gansu, Dezhou, Shandong, Liyang, Jiangsu and other places are the most famous.

two。 The value of watermelon

Watermelon pulp is rich in protein, glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid, etc., which can increase skin elasticity, beauty and beauty, protect liver, reduce wrinkles and so on. In addition, watermelon peel, watermelon and leaves contain vitamins and other nutrients, which are edible.

3. Yield per mu of watermelon

The yield factors of watermelon per mu include planting technology, seed quality, variety, weather and so on. Generally, the yield of large watermelon ranges from 7000 to 10000 jin per mu, while that of small watermelon ranges from 3000 to 5000 jin per mu.

Is watermelon hot or cool?

Many people who are more clear about and pay attention to health care will mostly find out whether it is hot or cool before eating something, just like whether watermelons are hot or cool, but many people do not know yet, so let's talk about it.

1. Watermelon is a cool food, which can relieve summer heat, so you can't eat too much, otherwise it will erode the spleen and stomach and may aggravate the dampness.

two。 Although watermelons are sweet and diuretic, we should pay attention to the deficiency of spleen and stomach, cold accumulation of abdominal pain, frequency of urination, large amount of urine, and people with chronic enteritis, gastritis and duodenal ulcers are not suitable to eat watermelons. If you really want to eat, you should "dabble".

Third, what is the trend of watermelon prices in 2019?

Now, due to the influence of the environment, climate change is also very unpredictable, and in recent years, the summer temperature continues to be hot, and the watermelon market is also very good, so the prospect of growing watermelons in 2019 is still good. Let's learn about the price trend of 2019 watermelons.

1. At present, Liangzhou District, Wuwei City, Gansu Province buys three jin, the price is 2.1 yuan / jin, and the Sweet King series in Ruili City, Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province starts at 10 jin, and the selling price is 0.8 yuan / jin. The price of Yunnan Dehong Da Hua melon is 1300 / ton today.

two。 The following table is the reference table of watermelon prices in Changsha, Hunan Province in recent days.







4.8 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Mawangdui vegetable Wholesale Market



4.6 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Hongxing Agricultural and sideline products Market



4.8 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Mawangdui vegetable Wholesale Market



3.8 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Mawangdui vegetable Wholesale Market



3.8 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Mawangdui vegetable Wholesale Market



4.4 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Hongxing Agricultural and sideline products Market

These are all the contents introduced by the editor of We must strengthen management when planting watermelons. Watering, fertilization and diseases and insect pests will also affect the yield of watermelons.