
What are the pest control measures for pear trees?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The planting area of pear trees in China is very wide, which is only less than that of apple trees. The fruit of pear trees is sweet, juicy and very popular. There are also many varieties of pear trees, and planting varies from place to place. In the specific planting process, pear trees often

The planting area of pear trees in China is very wide, which is only less than that of apple trees. The fruit of pear trees is sweet, juicy and very popular. There are also many varieties of pear trees, and planting varies from place to place. In the specific planting process, pear trees often have some diseases and insect pests. Today, let's take a look at what are the pest control measures of pear trees?

What are the diseases and insect pests of pear trees?

1. Pear ring disease

Pear ring disease mainly harms the branches and fruits of pear trees, resulting in fruit decay and serious losses. In the following spring, the pathogen produced conidia after leaf expansion of pear trees and became the source of primary infection. The pathogen began to infect from the young fruit stage and lasted until harvest.

2. Pear tree chicken claw disease

Chicken claw disease of Huangguan pear is a physiological disease of fruit trees, which produces nearly round or irregular spots on the fruit surface during maturity, resulting in the decline of fruit appearance quality. The cause of the disease is mainly due to the lack of trace elements such as calcium and boron in fruits.

3. Pear planthopper

Pear wood lice nymphs can secrete a lot of honey mucus, causing damage to leaves and fruits. Generally, pear trees begin to suffer from stings when the flower buds sprout in March, especially in dry years or dry seasons.

2. prevention and control measures of diseases and insect pests in pear trees

1. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water

The production practice has proved that the tree is strong, the branches are full, the leaves are thick green, and the diseases and insect pests are light; the tree is weak, the branches are weak, and the diseases and insect pests are serious. Some weak parasitic diseases, such as rot, are easy to occur when the tree is weak, making the tree weaker and leading to the death of the tree. Robust trees also have a certain tolerance to harmful mites. On trees with luxuriant branches and leaves and thick green leaves, even if harmful mites do harm, they will not lose their leaves quickly. Rational fertilization, especially the application of sufficient amount of high-quality organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, can promote the growth of pear trees, enhance the tree potential and improve the resistance to diseases and insect pests.

2. Turn the tree disk deeply in autumn to remove the remaining branches and fallen leaves

Eliminating fallen leaves and dead branches is also an economical and effective measure to eliminate diseases and insect pests. Many germs survive the winter in dead branches and fallen leaves. The fallen leaves or dead branches that have been removed should be burned centrally. Tree planing plate combined with loosening soil can not only promote root growth, but also a good way to eliminate overwintering pests.

3. Reasonable pruning

Pear tree pruning not only regulates the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, makes the tree strong and fruitful, but also plays a positive role in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. On the one hand, the diseases and insects parasitic on the branches can be cut off during winter pruning, such as the egg mass of Dendrolimus punctatus, the overwintering cocoon of yellow thorn moth, the spawning branches of grasshopper cicada, rotten and diseased branches, rotten fruit, infected fruit platform and so on. After the new shoots were sent out, the diseased shoots of scab were cut off in time, the spawning tips of pear stem wasps were cut off, and the cut leaves and fruits of diseases and insect pests were collected and taken out of the pear orchard for centralized treatment, which played an important role in controlling the development of diseases and insect pests. On the other hand, shaping and pruning improves the tree structure, the branches are evenly distributed, full and robust, and the canopy is ventilated and transparent, which is not conducive to the infection and reproduction of diseases and insect pests.

4. lure and kill the grass and scrape off the old warped skin.

Making use of the overwintering habits of the pests, a circle of wheat straw and cloth were tied to the tree trunk at the end of autumn to induce the pests to sneak into it and release the burn after entering the winter. The warped skin, rough skin and cracks of fruit trees are the overwintering places for pests such as Hawthorn spider mites, aphids, pear star caterpillars, apple heart borer, pear heart borer and so on. Scraping bark can remove the overwintering eggs of many pests and reduce the base of diseases and insect pests.