
Where is the origin of coffee beans distributed?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee beans are the raw material of roasted coffee and one of the main drinks in the world. Many European and American people like to drink coffee. So, where is the hometown of coffee? Where is the origin of coffee beans distributed? Let's get to know it together. Where is the hometown of coffee?

Coffee beans are the raw material of roasted coffee and one of the main drinks in the world. Many European and American people like to drink coffee. So, where is the hometown of coffee? Where is the origin of coffee beans distributed? Let's get to know it together.

Where is the hometown of coffee?

The hometown of coffee is the highland region of southwestern Ethiopia in Africa. It is said that more than a thousand years ago, a shepherd became very excited and lively after discovering that the sheep had eaten a kind of plant. Later, coffee was discovered. It is also said that a coffee forest was accidentally burned by wildfire. The smell of barbecue coffee attracted the attention of the surrounding residents. The local natives often ground the fruit of the coffee tree and mixed it with animal fat. Made into many ball-shaped balls, these indigenous tribes regard these coffee balls as precious food for those soldiers who are about to go out to battle.

Second, where is the origin of coffee beans distributed?

1. Brazil

Brazil is the largest producer of coffee, accounting for 1/3 of the global consumption of coffee, and occupies a place in the global coffee market. Although Brazil faces several times more natural disasters than other regions, its planting area is very large. Although there is not much premium coffee, it is a good choice for blending other coffee.

2. Cuba

In Cuba, coffee cultivation is managed by the state, and the best coffee growing area is located in the Central Mountains, because this area not only grows coffee, but also produces quartz, crystal and other precious minerals, so it is also known as Crystal Mountain. it is adjacent to the Blue Mountain Mountains of Jamaica, with similar climatic conditions and similar taste to Blue Mountain Coffee, which is comparable to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. So the Crystal Mountain of Cuba has become the object of comparison with the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

3. Colombia

Colombia's coffee output is second only to Brazil, is the second largest coffee industrial country, and is also a leader in the Columbian Maird Group. The more famous producing areas are Medellin, Manizares, Bogota, Armenia and so on. The coffee beans cultivated are all Anicabi species. The taste is quite rich, the quality and price are also very stable, the fried coffee beans are larger and more beautiful, and can be produced from low-grade to high-grade products. It tastes mellow.

4. Mexico

Mexico is the main coffee producing country in Central America. The coffee produced in Mexico tastes comfortable and has a charming aroma. The selected Mexican coffees are Cottpe, Huatusco and Orezaba. Cottpe is considered to be one of the best coffee in the world.

5. Hawaii

When you visit Hawaii, in addition to the beautiful beaches, don't forget the Hawaiian coffee beans, which taste sweet and sour with the sour taste of pleasant wine. They are the most traditional and famous coffee in Hawaii. However, due to the low production and high cost here, coupled with the increasing demand for individual coffee in the United States and other places, its unit price is not only getting higher and higher, but also not easy to buy.

The above is the origin distribution of coffee beans introduced to you by the editor of I hope I can help you!