
Introduction of cherry varieties in Dalian

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The cultivation of cherry in Dalian has a long history and has a history of one hundred years since it was introduced and planted in the last century. And it has many varieties, authentic taste and large planting area. The following editor will introduce the varieties of Dalian cherries to you. Dalian cherry varieties include Meizao and black roses.

The cultivation of cherry in Dalian has a long history and has a history of one hundred years since it was introduced and planted in the last century. And it has many varieties, authentic taste and large planting area. The following editor will introduce the varieties of Dalian cherries to you.

Dalian cherry varieties are Meizao, black rose, red light, red honey, top brocade, Juhong 1338, Anbo big cherry, Jinzhou big cherry and so on.

1. Mei Morning

The red cherry planted in greenhouse is large, good in appearance, shiny, heavy in weight, moderate in sweetness, has a lively feeling in the mouth and takes a long aftertaste! Because the growth meets the natural conditions, the fruit is full, the firmness is high, and the storage time is long. The average weight of a single unit is about 10ml / 18g, and it went on sale from March to May.

two。 Black rose

Red cherries grown in greenhouse are of better quality, sweeter taste and larger size than Meizao. They have all the advantages of Meizao, with an average weight of 12Mui 18g per unit. It will go on sale from March to May.

3. Red light

Red lantern is now a large market share of the variety, slightly smaller fruit body, pulp soft and hard moderate, more fruit juice and sugar; land cherry, an average weight of 4Mel 8g, listed in June and July.

4. Red honey

The fruit body is not as large as the red light variety, the color is red and yellow, although it does not look particularly good-looking, but the taste is very sweet; land cherries, with an average weight of 4rel 8g, are on the market in June and July.

5. The top brocade

It is the best variety in the "Jin" series of cherries made in Japan, with red and yellow, red is brilliant red, yellow is lemon yellow, and the color is particularly good-looking; land cherries, with an average weight of 4Mel 8g, are on the market in June and July.

6. Juhong 1338

This is a variety from Canada, is one of the cherry varieties with good taste, red and yellow color, very beautiful; land cherry, an average weight of 4Mel 8g, listed in June and July.

7. Jinzhou cherry

Jinzhou cherry fruit is bright in color, translucent and beautiful, with soft and juicy pulp and rich nutrition. Fresh food has the best flavor, and it can also be processed into cherry juice, cherry sauce, preserved cherries and canned cherries.

Dalian has become one of the best cherry planting areas in China and even in the world because of its unique geographical location and climatic conditions. For friends who like to eat cherries, buying Dalian cherries will be a good choice.