
Hundred-day flowering period

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When the hundred-day grass blossoms, it is very beautiful layer upon layer, and many people want it to blossom day and night, so when is the hundred-day grass blooming? The hundred-day grass usually begins to blossom in June and continues to bloom until October.

When the hundred-day grass blossoms, it is very beautiful layer upon layer, and many people want it to blossom day and night, so when is the hundred-day grass blooming?

100-day flowering period of grass

Zinnia usually begins to bloom in June and lasts until October; it usually blossoms for 60 to 70 days and lasts for four months. Moreover, under different growth conditions, the duration of flowering is also different. Some of them will open for 50 days and take good care of them for 120 days.

Second, how to prolong the florescence?

1. Heart-picking: when the 100-day grass seedling is 10 cm high, it is necessary to remove the heart, which can control the plant height, reduce the consumption of nutrients, and help a lot to prolong the 100-day grass florescence. In addition, two pairs of leaves are left at the base, and the residual flowers should be picked in time after flowering.

two。 Watering: zinnia blossoms in summer, when the moisture of the soil is very critical to flowering. We should water the soil frequently to keep the soil moist. An appropriate amount of watering can prolong the flowering period of grass for a hundred days. Be careful not to water more at ordinary times unless you encounter continuous drought.

3. Fertilization: hundred-day grass flowering, need to consume a lot of nutrients, so proper fertilization will affect the flowering period. The thin liquid fertilizer should be applied three times in the growing period, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer in seedling stage, phosphorus fertilizer in bud pregnancy, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer in early September.

4. Sunshine: 100-day grass flowering should pay attention to the sunshine time: sunshine is longer than 14 hours: flowering is delayed, sowing to flowering takes 70 days, and tongue-shaped flowers are more; if the sunshine is less than 12 hours, the flowering is in advance, and it takes only 60 days from sowing to flowering, but more tubular flowers.

Although the hundred-day grass flowering is beautiful, but we should pay attention to careful care, so that the flowering period can be longer and the flowers will be more colorful.