
The planting method of Evening Grass

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Bright moon grass is a common potted plant in the family. It grows faster and its leaves can drink in water, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. So what are the planting methods of bright moon grass? 1. Propagation method: this plant is mainly propagated by split-plant method or cutting method.

Bright moon grass is a common potted plant in the family. It grows faster and its leaves can drink in water, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. So what are the planting methods of bright moon grass?

1. Propagation method: this plant is mainly propagated by split-plant method or cutting method, which is mostly carried out from March to May every year. It is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivated soil moist and take root in about 1-2 weeks. The sowing method can also be used to raise seedlings. The mixed substrate composed of rotten leaves, river mud and garden soil can be used to cultivate the soil, and the proportion of them is 2:4:4 by volume.

two。 Pot method: the operation can be carried out after the seedlings of evening primrose are formed. Medium-sized flowerpots without drainage holes are often used as planting containers. In order to obtain a better ornamental effect, one human seedling can be put in each pot and irrigated at the end of the operation. In order to slow down the seedlings, the colonization operation is best carried out on a cloudy day.

3. Hydroponic culture method: the water quality requirement of evening grass is not strict, it can be cultivated in fresh water with low hardness, and the salinity should not be too high. The pH of the water body should be controlled between 6.5and 7.0, that is, it is slightly acidic to neutral.

4. Fertilization: Evening grass has a high demand for fertilizer, and it can be topdressing every 2 to 3 weeks in the vigorous growth stage. If planted in pots or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is required, such as quick-acting fertilizer Huabao No. 2, or slow-acting fertilizer (which can maintain fertilizer effect in water for a long time).

5. Light: Evening grass likes the environment with sufficient light, and the plant grows poorly in shade environment. Its full-day growth is good, its petiole will be longer in half-day light, and its posture will be more beautiful if it grows in the direction of light. It is best to let it receive 4 to 6 hours of scattered sunlight every day; using a special fluorescent lamp, the plant can grow normally after 8 to 10 hours of artificial light every day.

6. Temperature: bright moon grass likes to be warm and afraid of cold. It grows well in the temperature range of 10 to 25 degrees, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees. Under good management conditions, Evening Primrose is less susceptible to disease and less attacked by harmful animals.

In fact, in the market, many businesses will exaggerate the efficacy of Evening Primrose, saying that it is a "magic medicine to cure all diseases." such exaggeration should be treated with caution. Although Evening Primrose is good for the body, it is not omnipotent.