
What is the basic method of striping reproduction?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, When planting some flowers which are difficult to take root or have more roots and leaves, the method of striping propagation is usually used to solve the problem, so what is the basic method of striping propagation? There are a variety of methods of striping reproduction, such as ordinary crimping, horizontal crimping and wavy pressing.

When planting some flowers which are difficult to take root or have more roots and leaves, the method of striping propagation is usually used to solve the problem, so what is the basic method of striping propagation?

There are a variety of methods of crimping, such as ordinary crimping, horizontal crimping, wavy crimping, earth-piling striping and air crimping. Different plants apply different methods of crimping propagation, depending on the actual situation.

First, ordinary striping, this method is more suitable for plants with soft branches such as Magnolia and Chimonanthus and trees with many flexible branches near the ground. The specific method of striping operation is as follows: bend the 1-2-year-old branches of the mother plant to the four directions, press them into the pit after being burnt at the bottom, fix them with hooks, cultivate the soil and compact, and the branches are slightly vertically exposed to the ground and tied to a holding object.

Second, wavy striping, this method is more suitable for plants with longer branches such as grapes. The specific method of crimping is as follows: bend the branches and vines up and down into waves, bury the landing part in the soil, and wait for it to take root and protrude the ground part to sprout and grow for a certain period of time. Cut into new plants one by one.

Third, horizontal striping, this method is more suitable for apple dwarfing rootstock, rose and other tree species with longer branches and easy to take root. The specific method of striping operation is to cut the branches at appropriate intervals and fix them horizontally in the trench, remove the buds growing up and down the branches, and fill the soil. After rooting and sprouting, the seedlings were cut off one by one at the internodes, and each seedling was accompanied by a section of matrix.

Fourth, air striping, this method is more suitable for sweet-scented osmanthus, longan, camellia and other tall or not easy to bend plants, the specific method of striping is: select 1-3-year-old branches, ring peel 2-4 cm, scrape off the formation layer or longitudinally carved into the wound, with plastic sheeting, opposite bamboo tubes, earthen pots, etc., wrapped in the cut, tightly tied and fixed, filled with moss or fertile soil, often watered and moisturized, to be rooted and cut into a new plant.

Fifth, pile soil pressing, this method is more suitable for Pearl Plum, Yellow thorn Mei Shi, Magnolia and other root neck part of the strong tillering or clump-shaped trees. the specific method of striping operation is as follows: burying the root neck branch base and burying the soil, after rooting, cut into new plants.