
What kind of tea does Yixing tea belong to

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yixing tea production has a long history and is one of the main tea producing areas in Jiangsu Province. Yixing will package and sell local tea, and we can often see Yixing tea as gifts. What kind of tea does Yixing tea belong to? What kind of tea does Yixing tea belong to

Yixing tea production has a long history and is one of the main tea producing areas in Jiangsu Province. Yixing will package and sell local tea, and we can often see Yixing tea as gifts. What kind of tea does Yixing tea belong to?

What kind of tea does Yixing tea belong to?

Yixing tea is a local specialty of Yixing, the main packaging is green tea, generally Biluochun, Yang envy snow sprouts or Jingxi Yunpian.

What kind of tea do you have in Yixing

Yixing is an oasis of tea, with a tea garden of more than 3500 hectares. In ancient times, Yixing was called Yang Envy, so Yixing Tea is also called Yang Xian Tea. Green tea and black tea are mainly produced here. Green tea mainly has Biluochun, Yang envy snow bud, Jingxi Yunpian, Maojian and so on; black tea has bamboo sea gold tea, wild mountain red and so on.

Third, Yixing tea art steps

1. Enjoy the tea: pour the tea directly into the lotus from the tea jar, and then someone will present it in front of the tea tasters to watch the shape of the tea.

2. Warm pot: pour hot water into the pot until it is half full, and then pour the water out of the pot into the teapot.

3. Buy tea: put the tea of the lotus tea into the pot.

4. Warm and moist bubble: pour water into the pot until it is full, cover the kettle and immediately pour into the tea sea or tea cup. This allows the tea to absorb temperature and humidity, in a budding state, helping to show the nature of the first bubble of tea.

5. Warm Tea Sea: pour the warm and moist water into the tea sea.

6. Warm cup: use the tea water in the sea of tea to warm the teacup. There is a warm cup and no warm cup, will affect the temperature of the tea, the temperature difference is about 3-5 ℃.

7, the first bubble: the right temperature of hot water into the pot, the time depends on the brewing tea.

8. Dry pot: pick up the teapot, first dip the bottom on the tea towel and remove the water droplets from the bottom of the kettle.

9. Pour tea: pour the tea into the tea sea (tea cup).

10. Divide the cup: it is appropriate to pour the tea from the tea sea (tea cup) into the tea cup.

11. Slag removal:

⑴ cleans the lid first.

⑵ clears the tea dregs out of the pot with a spoon.

12. Wash the pot: flush the water into the pot about 1/2 to clear out the remaining tea residue.

13. Slag dumping: pour the residue into the pool.

14. Pour water: pour out the water in the teahouse.

15. Restore: after the guests leave, remove the dregs, wash cups, wash pots, and return everything to be used next time.

Yixing is famous for its tea, so interested friends can buy it and taste it slowly.