
Detailed explanation of celery cultivation techniques in summer!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Celery, also known as Hu Qin, is one of the vegetables we often eat in our daily life, and it also has a large planting area in our country. What are the cultivation techniques of celery in summer? Let's learn about it together. What are the cultivation techniques of celery in summer? 1. Prepare for the raw celery

Celery, also known as Hu Qin, is one of the vegetables we often eat in our daily life, and it also has a large planting area in our country. What are the cultivation techniques of celery in summer? Let's learn about it together.

What are the cultivation techniques of celery in summer?

1. Preparatory work

The growth of celery needs a cool and humid environment, so it is necessary to do a good job of shading in summer and choose varieties with strong heat tolerance. Dry the seeds for 3-4 hours, soak them in clean water for 10-12 hours, and then remove the mucus from the seeds. Wash and dry until semi-dry for budding treatment.

two。 Planting and transplanting

The germinated seeds were sown on the land with sufficient base fertilizer, and shading and water management were done after sowing to facilitate seedling emergence and keep the border surface moist. When the seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they can be transplanted and planted. Planting should be carried out after 5:00 in the afternoon, and root water should be drenched in time after planting.

3. Field management

After planting, the arched shed or flat shed is made of bamboo, wood or metal, so that it can be protected by shade throughout its growing period. The planting survived until the plant was closed, shallow ploughing for 2-3 times, general topdressing for 3-4 times, and flooding with shallow water after application. In addition, the main diseases and insect pests of celery in summer are: leaf spot, spot blight, virus disease, Liriomyza huidobrensis and so on. In the process of prevention and control, we should actively carry out prevention and control in accordance with the plant protection policy of "prevention first, comprehensive control".

The whole growth period of celery is 90-110 days in summer, and when the plant is about 60 cm high, it can be harvested and put on the market until the end of October.