
How to grow carrot heads

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Carrots are not only delicious, but also very nutritious. Each time you cook, you have to cut off the head of the carrot. These carrots can be collected and planted in a small pot. How do you grow carrot heads? 1. How to plant carrot heads. 1. Collect fresh carrot heads

Carrots are not only delicious, but also very nutritious. Each time you cook, you have to cut off the head of the carrot. These carrots can be collected and planted in a small pot. How do you grow carrot heads?

First, how to grow carrot heads

1. Collect the fresh carrots and cut them to about 3 centimeters in length. Because radish leaves need nutrients, they can't be cut too thin, and they don't need peeling.

2. Prepare a plate and pour the right amount of water into it. The water level does not need to be too high, just shallow water. Put the head of the carrot evenly on the plate.

3, put the plate in a place that can accept natural light, do not expose yourself to the sun, and change and replenish water frequently in summer. Leaves will grow on the carrots in about a week.

2. Nutrition of carrots

Carrot is a kind of home-cooked vegetable with crisp taste and rich nutrition, which is known as "little ginseng". Carrots are rich in sugars, fat, volatile oil, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanin, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Eating a few cigarettes a day can not only lower cholesterol, but also prevent heart disease and tumors.

Carrots are delicious and nutritious. They can be eaten raw or cooked.