
What season is jujube fruit?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are many kinds of jujube, and each kind of suitable planting area is different, so the ripening time is also different, what season is the jujube fruit? What season is the fruit of jujube? Jujube is an autumn fruit, which usually ripens from August to September. But due to the diversity of varieties

There are many kinds of jujube, and each kind of suitable planting area is different, so the ripening time is also different, what season is the jujube fruit?

What season is the fruit of jujube?

Jujube is an autumn fruit, which usually ripens from August to September. However, due to the diversity of varieties, the time of maturity will be slightly different. For example, July fresh jujube generally matured in late August, egg jujube matured in mid-late September, Li jujube matured in late July, and Qin jujube No. 1 matured in mid-early October.

Second, what are the types of dates?

1. Sour jujube

Sour jujube, also known as mountain jujube, it is a variety of jujube, in some places also known as thorns. The fruit of sour jujube is relatively small, the growth is very dense, the fruit color is generally purplish red or purplish brown, the fruit taste is sour, its jujube meat and kernel can be used as medicine. At present, the main producing areas of sour jujube in China are as early as Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Guizhou and other places, the distribution range is relatively wide.

2. Elaeagnus angustifolia

Elaeagnus angustifolia, also known as Yinliu and Qilixiang, is a plant of the family Elaeagnaceae. Elaeagnus angustifolia leaves are generally silver-white, fruit color is pink, but the pulp color is milky white. The adaptability of Elaeagnus angustifolia is very strong, but also has a certain saline-alkaline, China is mainly planted in the northwest and western Inner Mongolia, of course, other places are also planted, but the quantity is not large.

3. Red jujube

Red jujube is what we often call jujube, also known as spiny jujube in some places, it is a temperate crop, but it has strong adaptability to the environment, not only widely distributed in China, but also planted in all parts of the world. The market demand for red jujube is also relatively large, red jujube can not only be eaten as fresh fruit, but also can be processed into dried fruit, can be eaten directly, can also be cooked, or even used in medicine.

4. Date

Jujube, also known as green jujube and Taiwan jujube, is a typical tropical fruit. There is a big difference between jujube and other dates in taste and appearance, so it is also the best one in jujube. Although the adaptability of jujube is strong, it is not suitable for planting in many parts of our country, so we also need to choose a suitable planting place.

5. Hulu jujube

Hulu jujube, also known as hericium Erinaceus jujube, its original form is long red jujube, which is developed through planting and cultivation in the later stage. The shape of the fruit of Hulu jujube is very similar to that of the inverted gourd, which is the source of its name. Compared with other jujube types, Hulu jujube is still relatively rare in China's market. At present, it is mainly planted in Hebei area of China, and there is also a small amount of planting in Beijing area, that is to say, it has not been widely planted.

6. Longxu jujube

Longxu jujube is also known as Longzao jujube, Longzao jujube, in fact, the main role of Longxu jujube is in its ornamental value, generally used as ornamental plants for planting. Its tree shape is very similar to the dragon's claw, which is the origin of its name. Longxu jujube can be eaten fresh or dried fruit, but its disadvantage is that its yield is low, so this is one of the reasons why fruit growers do not choose to plant.