
Tang Yin succulent plant breeding methods and precautions how much meat Tang Yin can raise

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Tang Yin is a kind of perennial succulent herb, its stem is very thick, gray, leaves are also large, shape color is very beautiful, is a succulent plant in a very good leaf. Such a lovely and beautiful Tang Yin, come and learn about the cultivation method of Tang Yin

Tang Yin is a perennial succulent herb, its stem is very stout, gray-white, the leaves are also large, the shape and color is very beautiful, is a very excellent ornamental leaf among succulent plants. Such a lovely and beautiful Tang Yin, come to understand the breeding method of Xia Tang Yin!

Culture methods of succulent plants in Tang Yin

1. Fertilization. Fertilization should be maintained for about 10 days during the spring and autumn growth period, and it is appropriate to choose mature thin fertilizer. Do not apply fertilizer when it is hot in summer and cold in winter.

2. Temperature. Tang Yin, which originated in South Africa, has been cultivated all over the world, so it can be seen that Tang Yin's temperature requirements are not very strict. The best culture temperature range is 15-20 ℃. Slightly hardy, but not less than 3 ℃, otherwise it is easy to frostbite.

3. Watering. Spring and autumn are the growing season, so water them often, once a week or two. When the summer temperature is high, the growth of the plant is weak, so watering should be controlled to prevent decay. Low temperature in winter, watering to a small amount, see the basin soil dry, can be appropriate to pour some water into the basin soil, do not accumulate water.

4. Reproduction. The propagation of Tang Yin can be done by bud cutting, leaf cutting or stem cuttings with leaves. The breeding season should be carried out in spring and autumn, which are full of growth.

5. Change the basin. Change the basin every spring. The basin soil should choose sandy loam with good drainage and air permeability, and pay attention to avoid root injury when changing the basin.

Matters needing attention of succulent plants in Tang Dynasty

1. Maintenance of Tang Seal in winter and summer. Tang Yin is an all-day plant, as long as it is not exposed to the scorching sun, it can be farmed outdoors all day. Special attention should be paid to all-day maintenance in winter. When it is hot in summer, improper watering will lead to plant rot, so water must be controlled.

2. Watering and fertilizing don't hurt the leaves. Tang Yin is a foliage plant, the leaves are pink and white with a layer of ash, if raised, it will be very red, very gorgeous. However, when watering and fertilizing, fertilizer and water are reduced to the leaves, which will wash away the white powder and affect the ornamental value.

How big can succulent Tang Yin be raised?

How big the plant can be, it mainly depends on how the breeders maintain it. If it is not maintained properly, it is easy to wither and wither, and so on. If the maintenance is good, how long it can be raised, so if you want to raise it for a long time, you must pay attention to the methods and skills of breeding.

How does Tang Yin reproduce?

1. Leaf cutting. The way to insert the leaves of the Tang Dynasty is very simple, cut the leaves, air-dry the cut of the leaves, and insert them into the basin soil. It is necessary to prevent rain and direct light.

2. Cuttings. Use stem segments with leaves as cuttings. The survival rate of scion was higher than that of leaf cuttings.

3. Sow seeds. Tang Yin can also be propagated by sowing, but for a long time. The seeds are light brown and very small, so they can be sown in a shallow dish and covered with a thin layer of fine sand, which can be covered with plastic sheet or glass sheet to maintain humidity. Spray some fungicides first to prevent seedlings from suffering from fungal diseases. It will germinate in about 15 to 30 days.

After cuttings or seedlings grow up, they can be planted in the basin. You can choose 4 parts of coarse river sand (fine foamed stone or plain burnt stone) plus 4 parts of fine river sand, and one part of the mixture of organic culture soil, perlite and vermiculite. At the initial stage, it can be planted in a 3.5-inch pot, and a larger pot can be selected according to the growth situation, or planted in the open field flower bed.

Through the above content, I believe you also have a certain understanding of the planting method of Tang Yin. Tang Yin belongs to small and medium-sized varieties in succulent plants, with bright and beautiful colors, especially a touch of red on the edge of the leaves, especially charming! If you like succulent plants, plant them quickly.