
Is summer black a grape or a raisin? Which is better, Jufeng grape or Jufeng grape?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Every year, June and July is the season of summer black listing, summer black taste sweet, rich juice, many people like to eat, so summer black is a grape or raisin? Which is good, Xia Hei or Jufeng grapes? Let's have a look! Is summer black a grape or a raisin? Xia Hei is

Every year, June and July is the season of summer black listing, summer black taste sweet, rich juice, many people like to eat, so summer black is a grape or raisin? Which is good, Xia Hei or Jufeng grapes? Let's have a look!

Is summer black a grape or a raisin?

Xiahei is a triploid seedless grape, not a raisin, which actually refers to the grape, a variety of grapes. Compared with ordinary grapes, raisins have the advantages of large crisp fruit, sweet and sour palatability, excellent storage and transportation, good quality and so on.

Second, the basic introduction of Xia Hei

Summer black is a grape plant, the main distribution areas are Hunan, Gansu, Qingdao and other places, summer black thick sweet and refreshing, with a strong strawberry flavor, very suitable for edible.

If we want to cultivate summer black grape, we need to choose sand loam with deep soil layer and loose soil for planting. In addition, we also need to do a good job in field management such as watering, fertilization, pruning and so on.

The fruit of summer black is neat in size, oval or nearly round in size, purple-black or blue-black in pericarp, and consistent in color, so it is an excellent grape variety.

Which is delicious, Xia Hei or Jufeng grapes?

Xiahei is a kind of grape obtained from the cross between Jufeng and Pudong. As a descendant of Jufeng grape, the fruit of Xiahei is very sweet, crisp and has a strong strawberry flavor. Jufeng grape has soft pulp, rich juice and strawberry aroma.

In contrast, the summer black grape is more crisp and hard, and the Jufeng grape has more juice, but which is more delicious depends on everyone's choice, because different people have different tastes. Some people like summer black grapes, while others prefer Jufeng grapes.

The nutritional composition of grapes is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. A variety of fruit acids in grapes also contribute to digestion, but also contain a variety of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements needed by the human body. Grapes are a very healthy edible fruit. You might as well eat more supplementary nutrients in the hot season of grapes.