
How many years can Jinxiu begonia bear fruit?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Jinxiu Begonia, also known as chicken heart fruit, was first found in the home of a farmer in Maixin Town, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. Its strong leaves, cold and drought resistance, beautiful fruit shape and bright color have been planted as small apple trees, but in recent years it has also been promoted as a greening tree species.

Rich begonia, also known as chicken heart fruit, was first found in the home of a farmer in Maixin Town, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. Its tree has strong leaves, cold and drought resistance, beautiful fruit shape and bright color, and has been planted as a small apple tree. But in recent years, it has also been promoted as a green tree species, so how many years can it bear fruit?

First, the beautiful begonia can bear fruit in a few years.

The fruiting age of Malus mandshurica varies with different breeding methods and varieties. Generally, it takes 5-6 years for seedlings to blossom and hang fruit, while grafted seedlings can hang fruit in 3 years, and striped seedlings can hang fruit in the second year. The general ripening period is from early September to late October, depending on the length of the frost-free period. after ripening, the fruit can remain on the tree for more than 30 days, hang the fruit to winter, do not drop fruit, and the sugar content is higher in the later stage.

Because of its strong cold resistance, Jinxiu Begonia is an excellent apple variety for both food and appreciation, picking and sightseeing. Now it is mainly planted in the north, and there are still fruits hanging on the trees after snow, which is the first choice for the construction of ecological gardens and tourist gardens. In addition, Jinxiu Begonia has a high medicinal value, leaves, fruits and seeds can be used as medicine, with digestion and stomach, regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, qi analgesia and other effects.

Second, the main points of planting Jinxiu Begonia

The root system of Jinxiu begonia is shallow, and its ability to absorb water and fertilizer is weak, so it is generally planted in places with fertile soil, loose soil layer and adequate water supply. Attention should be paid to the management of water and fertilizer after planting, and weeds can be covered after planting. According to the weather conditions, the soil should be drenched every 10 days or so to keep the soil moist. Jinxiu begonia likes fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, mainly organic fertilizer, together with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Jinxiu Begonia has fewer diseases and insect pests, and it can mainly control heart-eating insects, rot and other diseases and insect pests.

Although Jinxiu Begonia is not common in the market, and the market gap is relatively large, today's Apple market still takes large and bright red as the main standard, and a large-scale influx into the market can easily cause market saturation. so it is only recommended to plant on a small scale.