
What are the key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of white orchids?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, What are the key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of white orchids?

Watering white orchids should not be overwatered or overwatered. The correct watering method should be to moisten the soil in the basin at one time, but it is not necessary to water the soil in the basin when it is slightly dry. Remember not to water every day, but you can often spray water on the leaves with a small spray can. Fertilization during the vigorous period of white orchid growth (usually in May, June or July and August of each year), the white orchid should be given flower fertilizer every half a month or so, or a little nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, 2 to 6 grams at a time. Disease and insect control of Bailan prefers acidic soil, such as alkaline soil, or irrigation water is also alkaline, which can easily cause yellowing of leaves and blackening and decay of roots. The foliage can be sprayed with 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution, once every 5-7 days. Can also be often applied about 0.5% of ferrous sulfate solution to prevent and cure.