
How to raise orchids in summer?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, How to raise orchids in summer?

The hot weather in summer will affect the growth of plants to a certain extent. Today, I would like to share with you how to raise orchids in summer.

How to raise orchids in summer:

First, strengthen ventilation, heat prevention and cooling, high temperature and muggy heat is the enemy of orchid cultivation. Closed orchid rooms generally have push-pull aluminum alloy glass windows that can be freely switched. as long as there is a temperature difference between inside and outside the orchid room, the degree of opening of the push-pull window can be used to control convection and natural ventilation. If the temperature difference is too small and there is no wind, ventilator fans and miniature electric fans can be used to blow with a breeze to promote air circulation. If the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, water curtains or air conditioners can be used if conditions are available; if conditions are limited, water can often be sprinkled to the ground to cool down.

The second is to create humidity in accordance with local conditions, and should avoid being too dry or too wet. Due to the high temperature in summer, rapid evaporation of water and low air humidity, efforts must be made to create a small environment suitable for the growth of orchids. Generally, the flume can be used to humidify to improve the air humidity. The sink and the orchid rack are set together, each layer of the orchid rack should be equipped with a sink, and the lower end of the sink should be equipped with a sewage switch to facilitate the discharge of sewage from time to time. The depth of the sink is generally 20 cm to 30 cm, filled with water, covered with steel wire mesh, and the orchid basin sits on it, which not only increases the air humidity, but also has a certain cooling effect. Combined with ground water spraying, the humidity can reach about 40% in sunny days, which can basically meet the humidity requirements of orchids. In case of continuous overcast weather, the air humidity in the orchid room is too high, it is necessary to turn on the ventilator, miniature electric fan and so on in time to promote the air circulation and reduce the air humidity. Summer watering should be based on the use of pots and plant materials, flexibly grasp the timing and frequency of watering, generally watering in the evening and morning is better, watering generally do not use soaking basin method and watering method, as far as possible less water spray, so as not to pour water into the leaf core to cause rot.

The third is to be cautious in the rain, strengthen the orchid room, and actively prevent the attack of typhoons and torrential rain. Summer is a rainy season, and in areas with good air quality, orchids can be properly drenched in the rain during the rainy season, while in places with serious air pollution, there is too much acid rain, which can easily cause various diseases and should be resolutely put an end to. In places with good air quality, what is suitable for orchids to be drenched in the rain is the gentle wind and light rain that lasts for a long time. After the rain, the orchid seedlings are particularly energetic and grow rapidly. During the growing period, orchids are afraid of "solar rain" and torrential rain in the high temperature season. In case of "solar rain", Yilan people should irrigate the orchids in time to eliminate the heat in the basin, and strengthen ventilation to dry the water in the heart of the new seedling leaves as soon as possible. In addition, to strengthen the orchid room, always pay attention to the weather forecast, in the event of typhoons and other extreme weather, should quickly take measures in advance to protect orchids from wind and rain, to avoid orchid damage.

The fourth is to apply orchid fertilizer skillfully to promote growth. Summer is the peak growing season of orchids, so topdressing is necessary, but it needs to be controlled flexibly according to the change of temperature. Fertilization is mainly applied to orchids in early summer, and organic fertilizer is suitable for roots, but thin fertilizer is needed, and fertilization should be carried out in the evening, and "soul water" should be irrigated the next morning. Can also be extra-root topdressing, can be applied inorganic fertilizer, with 1/1000 urea plus 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate spray. In order to prevent fertilizer damage, the next morning should spray water to wash leaves, can also be sprayed with biological fertilizer, such as promoting root growth, planting, orchid king, Xishuo, Gao Cui and so on. Organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological fertilizer are carried out alternately, once a week. After the Summer Solstice enters the high temperature season, it is forbidden to apply organic or inorganic fertilizer to the root, and it is better to spray foliar fertilizer for fertilization. 1/1000 urea plus 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate or biological bacterial fertilizer can be used alternately to supplement nutrients and promote the growth of orchid plants.

Fifth, prevention for the main cleaning, prepare in advance to prevent blue disease. High temperature season is also the season of frequent occurrence of orchid diseases and insect pests. In daily management, efforts should be made to avoid diseases and insect pests based on the principle of prevention and the combination of prevention and control. Usually, we should pay attention to the cleanliness of the orchid room, keep all kinds of dirt in the orchid place in time, clean the ground and orchid rack, and often use lime water. In the environment of high temperature and humidity, orchids are easy to breed scale insects and thrips. These pests will damage the orchid leaves and should be killed in time. Soft rot and stem rot are the great enemies of orchids in summer. once this disease is found, we should make a prompt decision, turn the basin immediately, and cut off the diseased seedlings and nearby seedlings without hesitation.