
What is good for indoor flower farming? the flowers suitable for indoor breeding are

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, What is good for indoor flower farming? the flowers suitable for indoor breeding are

Indoor flowers can not only beautify the environment, but also have a very good role in purifying the air. Today, I would like to share with you what.

Suitable for indoor cultivation of flowers: aloe, orchid and tiger tail orchid.

Aloe, hanging orchid and tiger tail orchid formaldehyde (especially the hanging orchid, put a pot in the room, within 24 hours, its leaves will "eat" harmful gases such as carbon monoxide in the indoor air, and its effect is even better than the air filter).

Flowers that are not suitable for indoor farming: rose, azaleas, tulips, lilies.

Although rose can absorb a large amount of harmful gases, its rich fragrance can cause depression, discomfort, suffocation, and even difficulty breathing; azaleas, tulips, lilies and other flowers can also absorb volatile chemicals, but rhododendron flowers contain a toxin, which is poisoned by accidental ingestion and shock; tulip flowers contain a toxic alkali, which can accelerate hair loss if exposed for too long

The fragrance of lilies can be overexcited by the smell of lilies for a long time; the pollen of bauhinia can induce symptoms or aggravate coughing for too long; mimosine in mimosa is a highly toxic organic. too much contact with the human body can cause hair loss.

Which is shared with you here, I hope this article will be helpful to you, I wish you good luck.