
Which flower diseases can be controlled by Bordeaux liquid?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Which flower diseases can be controlled by Bordeaux liquid?

Bordeaux mixture is often seen in the market, but what effect does Bordeaux mixture have? Let's share it with you.

Which flower diseases can be prevented by Bordeaux mixture:

To prevent and control gray mold of various flowers, such as primrose, melon, rose, camellia, turtle, poinsettia, peony, dahlia, begonia, geranium, Michelia, carnation and other nearly 100 kinds of herbs and woody flowers, spray 0.5% equivalent Bordeaux solution before the disease to protect new leaves and buds from infection.

To control leaf spot diseases and anthracnose of various flowers, 0.5%~1% equivalent Bordeaux mixture is commonly used.

To control stem rot of cacti, 0.5% equivalent Bordeaux mixture was used.