
Three key points of fertilization for potted flowers

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Three key points of fertilization for potted flowers

Potted flowers are generally placed on the balcony, there is plenty of sunshine, but also watering from time to time, but these two are not enough, we pay more attention to the fertilization of potted flowers, the following are the three key points of accompanying flower fertilization.

"timely" means that fertilization must be in control of the season. Generally, spring and summer are the exuberant seasons of flower growth, which should be fertilized, but the hot and hot weather should be stopped or less applied; flowers grow slowly in autumn and should be fertilized less; winter flowers are mostly dormant or semi-dormant (except those that bloom in winter). Should stop fertilizing. At the same time, it should also be noted that once it is found that the leaf color of flowers becomes lighter and the plant growth is weak, indicating a lack of fertilizer, fertilizer should be applied in time.

"appropriate amount" means that fertilization must be applied frequently, depending on the growth. "thin" is 7% water and 3% fertilizer, "diligence" is applied every 7-10 days, "fixed dosage depending on growth" is "four more, four less, four no, three taboos". "Siduo" means to apply more when the plant is yellow and thin, before germination, when pregnant bud, and after flowering; "four little" means to apply less when the plant is fat, when it germinates, when it blossoms, when it blossoms, and in the rainy season; "Sibu" means that the plant is not applied when it is growing, when it is newly planted, when it is newly planted, in summer, in summer, or during dormancy; the "three taboos" is to avoid applying thick fertilizer and hot fertilizer (high temperature in summer, fertilization is easy to hurt roots), and avoid applying raw fertilizer. Generally from the Beginning of Spring to the Beginning of Autumn (not applied in summer days), thin fertilizer and water can be applied every 7-10 days, and after the Beginning of Autumn, every 15-20 days.

"appropriate" is to grow flowers and fertilize and avoid being overweight. If fertilizing too much and too thick, it will make the roots of flowers lose water, cause the leaves to be scorched yellow gradually, and the new buds slowly dry up until death. In order to promote the growth of seedlings, more nitrogen fertilizer can be applied in the seedling stage, and more phosphorus fertilizer should be applied in the bud stage in order to promote the flower and fruit. Loosen the soil before fertilizing to facilitate the infiltration of fertilizer and water. The effect of fertilization is in the evening, especially in summer, when the temperature is higher at noon, fertilization is easy to hurt the root. After fertilizing in the evening of the same day, the next morning should be watered (commonly known as "returning water") to dilute the fertilizer liquid, so that the plant is easy to absorb, so as to avoid fertilizer damage.

To correctly grasp the three key points of fertilization of potted flowers, so as to fertilize potted flowers reasonably, this is a key step, if fertilization is just right, it will be of great benefit to the growth of flowers, such as luxuriant branches and leaves, colorful and so on.