
Do overly long leaves need to be trimmed when orchids are put on the pot?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Do overly long leaves need to be trimmed when orchids are put on the pot?

Potted orchids usually go through the process of potting, whether it is divided into seedlings or after changing the pot, they will often encounter the phenomenon that the orchid leaves grow too long. Some flower friends think that the orchid leaves are too long and get in the way, so they question whether the orchids can be cut off when the leaves are too long.

As we all know, if the leaves of orchids grow too long on the pot, it will not only hinder the pot, but also cause long leaves to droop and the overall center of gravity to be unstable, which may cause some damage to the stems and branches. But also easy to make the root loose phenomenon, during the slow seedling period, if the root contact with the soil is not good, it will often cause the phenomenon that it is not easy to grow new roots, thus affecting the survival of the basin.

For this reason, we should cut off some leaves to reduce the pressure on the roots of orchids. But the editor generally does not recommend pruning the overlong orchid leaves on the pot. At the same time, in order to help you solve the problem that the orchid leaves are too long to the survival of the basin, the editor recommends to use the binding method to achieve the purpose of neither cutting off the orchid leaves nor affecting the survival of the basin.

The method of binding orchids is to tie the overgrown leaves of orchids together slightly with a rope. This is the same principle as tying a bunch of chopsticks together. In this way, the orchid plant can well support its overgrown leaves by relying on its roots and leaves, and wait until the plant goes through the slow seedling stage smoothly, and after taking root and surviving as scheduled, we will remove the tie rope.

And during the slow seedling pot period, the older leaves will dry up at the tip of the leaves, which is precisely the embodiment of the plant to sacrifice the old leaves to promote the germination of new roots and new leaves. If we cut off these overgrown old leaves prematurely, we will not only lose some nutrients, but also young leaves will not easily survive alone. Therefore, when we put on the pot, as long as we can fix the plant, do not cut off the overgrown leaves as far as possible.