
What are the pests of potted flowers and how to prevent them?

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, What are the pests of potted flowers and how to prevent them?

Potted flowers not only help to beautify the environment but also regulate the air. Most families have potted plants, so what are the pests of potted flowers? How to prevent and cure it? Presumably many people are not very clear, and then the editor summarizes for you what are the diseases and insect pests of potted flowers and how to prevent and control them.

1 disease

The common diseases of indoor flowers are leaf spot disease, powdery mildew and so on.

1.1 powdered powder disease

1.1.1 occurrence characteristics. Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease, which mainly harms the leaves and twigs of many kinds of flowers, such as rose, peony, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, primrose, peony, chrysanthemum, Polygonum polygonum, inverted golden bell and so on. When the temperature reaches 18 ℃-30 ℃, if the ventilation is poor, it is easy to get sick, and the affected plants first appear yellow spots on the leaves and grow a layer of white powder. When the occurrence is serious, the flowers are few and small, the leaves wither, and even the whole plant dies.

1.1.2 Prevention and control measures. ① should pay attention to ventilation, control humidity and strengthen light to prevent the occurrence of powdery mildew. ② strengthens daily management, uses root irrigation when watering, and drips leaves as little as possible to reduce air humidity. ③ found that diseased leaves and buds were removed as early as possible and buried deeply. ④ medicament protection, spray 25% trimethoprim 1000-2000 times liquid, or 50% carbendazim 500 times liquid.

1.2 Leaf spot disease

1.2.1 occurrence characteristics. Leaf spot is a common fungal disease. Including black spot, brown spot and other types, harmful to rose, rose, peony, chrysanthemum, magnolia and other flower leaves, there are black or brown round or irregular disease spots and wheel spots on the injured leaves. Dampness often appears black mildew layer, black dots and so on, reducing the ornamental value of flowers.

1.2.2 Prevention and control measures. ① combined with daily maintenance management, timely withered branches, fallen leaves, diseased branches, burning or deep burial, in order to reduce the source of bacteria. ② indoor pay attention to ventilation, reduce the temperature, basin distance should not be too dense, in order to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. ③ medicament protection. Spray 200x 0.5% equivalent Bordeaux solution or methyl topiramate 1000 times solution of 70 # prime4, etc.

2 insect pests

Insect pests are mainly aphids, scale insects, leaf mites, whitefly and so on.

2.1 aphids

2.1.1 occurrence characteristics. Aphids, commonly known as greasy insects and honey insects, do harm to a variety of flowers, mainly gathering in tender shoots, buds and leaf dorsal thorns to absorb plant juice, making leaves curly and yellow, slow plant growth and affecting normal flowering. At the same time, a large amount of honeydew excreted by aphids can induce coal fouling disease and seriously affect photosynthesis.

2.1.2 Prevention and control measures. ① timely inspection, found that a small number of aphids can be dipped in water brush to avoid brushing injury tender shoots, young leaves, brush aphids should be dealt with in time to prevent spread. ② cut 2-3 pieces of Toona sinensis leaves and boiled them with water 10-15 times for 1 hour. The filtrate was sprayed to kill aphids. ③ take an egg or duck egg to break and pour into the bottle, add 1-2ml cooking oil, add 200ml cold water, cover the bottle cap, shake up and down several times, stop for a moment, wait for the liquid surface to float without oil, and then spray it, which also has a certain effect on aphids and leaf mites. ④ dried pepper 20g, add water lkg boiling, with its clear liquid can be sprayed to kill aphids, mites and other pests.

2.2 Leaf mites

2.2.1 occurrence characteristics. Leaf mites, also known as fire dragons, small, red, visible to the naked eye, occur more under high temperature conditions, and often gather a large number of leaf back thorns to absorb juice. Some have the habit of netting, which can harm many flowers, such as rose, peony, hollyhock, spring, camellia, geranium and so on. Yellow spots appear on the front of the damaged leaves, and when they are heavy, they wither and fall off, which is harmful to the growth of flowers.

2.2.2 Prevention and control measures. ① can reduce the breeding of spider mites by increasing humidity and proper ventilation. ② spray tobacco water, formula: tobacco powder 40g, add water lkg, soak for 48h and filter, add lkg water and detergent 2-3G, stir well and spray. ③ take 4G flour, put it in a porcelain bottle, add a little water to make a paste, then add 200ml boiled water, cool and filter, then spray. ④ takes the general laundry soap and cuts it into thin slices and dissolves it with boiling water (adding water according to the ratio of 60% to 70%). Spraying after cooling can control leaf mites and aphids. For example, soaking cigarette butts in soapy water can improve the control effect and control whitefly and leafhopper.

2-3 whitefly

2.3.1 occurrence characteristics. White whitefly, also known as small white moth, is a common pest in greenhouse or house. it can harm a variety of flowers, such as golden bell, mulberry, rose, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, orchid, peony, fig and so on. Often gather the back of the leaves, thorns suck juice, especially the young leaves are seriously injured, when the leaves die and fall off, and the excreta of adults often lead to the occurrence of coal fouling disease.

2-3.2 Prevention and control measures. ① cut up the branches and leaves of oleander, boiled with water for half an hour, and filtered to kill whitefly, aphids and scale insects. ② takes a small stick, binds a small cotton ball at one end to dip dichlorvos solution at one end, and inserts the other end into the pot of the affected plant. The pests such as whitefly and aphids will be killed quickly. If the pest is more serious, cover the flowerpot with a plastic bag, and the pest will be smoked to death after 4-5 hours. ③ diluted the detergent by 400 times and sprayed the worms once every 5 to 6 days for 2-3 times, killing the adults, eggs and nymphs of whitefly. At the same time, it can also control aphids and scale insects. Soapy water and washing powder water should not be used for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause alkalinity to potted soil, which is not conducive to flower growth.

2.4 scale insects

2.4.1 occurrence characteristics. Tree lice, commonly known as tree lice, are harmful to many kinds of flowers, such as figs, rose, peony, rose, hydrangea, camellia, mulberry, etc., the damaged plants grow slowly, branches and leaves are withered and yellow, and a large number of honeydew discharged by scale insects can induce the occurrence of coal fouling disease.

2.4.2 Prevention and control measures. ① timely inspection, early prevention and control, when the number of insects is small, brushes or bamboo pieces can be used to manually brush or cut off the damaged branches and leaves, and concentrate on burning. ② took 1 part of cigarette butts and 1 part of cigarette ash in the ashtray, added 40-50 parts of water, soaked for 1 day and night, mashed and filtered and sprayed, which had a certain effect on the newly hatched scale insects. ③ can refer to the control measures of whitefly.