
How to improve the survival rate of flowers? Skillfully applying microbial fertilizer to improve the survival rate of flowers

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to improve the survival rate of flowers? Skillfully applying microbial fertilizer to improve the survival rate of flowers

Whether it is a flower novice or experienced flower friend, the survival rate of flowers is very concerned. Especially in the maintenance of flower plants, how to improve the survival rate of flowers and make flowers grow healthily is also the most common problem. Below, Xiaobian will talk to you about how to improve the survival rate of flowers.

A new type of fertilizer in flower fertilizer-microbial fertilizer, applied to the soil can significantly improve the survival rate of plants, and can also greatly enhance the ornamental of foliage plants and flowering plants. This is a great help for flower friends, especially beginners.

Microbial fertilizer can improve the survival rate of plants, mainly because it contains a large number of beneficial bacteria, through the various functions of these bacteria, can finally play these roles. After it is applied to the soil, it takes about 7-15 days for the bacteria to begin to play various roles in the soil. Because bacteria in this period of time have gradually adapted to the environment in the soil. And began a lot of reproduction and metabolism, and these life activities, can release the fixed nutrients in the flowerpot and garden soil, and can also secrete a lot of nutrients, these nutrients are necessary for plant growth.

In addition, the secreted growth regulators, active peptides, polysaccharides, amino acids and nutritional elements can significantly enhance the cold resistance and drought resistance of plants after being absorbed by plants. In addition, the secreted bacteriostatic substances can also obviously inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria such as germs in the soil, and can also effectively protect the healthy growth of the roots of plants, thus improving the survival rate of plants, and can make the roots of plants more robust, healthy and developed, the stems more tough, lodging resistant, the leaves more thick and green, and the flowers bloom earlier, larger, more fragrant and more colorful.