
Detailed introduction of the regulation and control methods of flowering period of flowers and plants

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Detailed introduction of the regulation and control methods of flowering period of flowers and plants

The ornamental value of flowers and plants is generally very high, and their flowers are fascinating with a variety of colors. However, the flowering period of many flowers and plants is relatively short, so is there any way to prolong the flowering period of flowers and plants so as to meet people's ornamental needs? Let's get to know it together.

1. Regulation of light

No matter which kind of flowers and plants, light has a strong inducing effect. General short-day plants can give 8-10 hours of light every day, the rest of the time to use shading measures. The long-day treatment is to add artificial light after the emergence of flower buds, so that the continuous light time is about 14 hours a day, which can delay the flowering period. If it is a long-day plant that blossoms in summer, the requirement for the length of light is opposite to that of short-day plants: extend the light and blossom earlier; shorten the light and delay flowering.

Second, temperature regulation

Some ornamental plants are insensitive to the length of light and can change the flowering period by increasing or decreasing temperature. Plants that have formed flower buds in winter can be warmed properly in winter dormancy period and spring low temperature period, which can shorten dormancy time and welcome flowering period early. Before the temperature rises in spring, the low temperature of 1-4 ℃ to dormant plants can prolong dormancy and delay flowering. For example, rhododendron and wisteria can delay flowering for as long as 7 months, such as cyclamen, geranium, etc., enter dormancy or have poor growth in hot summer, and their flowering period can be prolonged if the temperature is below 26 ℃.

3. Control the growth period of flowers and plants

Controlling the sowing and planting period can also achieve the purpose of controlling the flowering period of flowers and plants. For example, gladiolus sows in spring and blossoms in summer, but if it is sown in early July, it will be able to enjoy the flowers on National Day.

IV. Regulation of nutrition distribution

The florescence control of flowers and plants can also be achieved through pruning, heart-picking and other techniques, because pruning can reduce the consumption of nutrients in plants, concentrate nutrients in flower buds and bloom early. Coring can eliminate the apical advantage of flowers and plants and promote branching, thus delaying flowering.

V. Application of plant growth regulators

The application of plant hormones and plant growth regulators is an effective method to control the growth and development of ornamental plants. At present, the commonly used agents are gibberellin, dwarf and so on.

We can control and adjust the flowering period of flowers and plants according to the above methods, but it should be noted that different flowers and plants need corresponding methods in order to have a certain effect.