
The fairy refers to the fact that the fairy can blossom for a few years. The fairy refers to the fact that the fairy does not blossom.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Fairy refers to, not only good maintenance, beautiful plant type, and high ornamental value, is a very good decoration, very suitable for home breeding, but many flower lovers have encountered the situation that fairy refers to non-flowering, originally flowering plants, suddenly do not blossom, this makes a lot of people very anxious, this is why on earth?

Fairy refers to, not only good maintenance, beautiful plant type, and high ornamental value, is a very good decoration, very suitable for home breeding, but many flower friends have encountered the situation that fairy refers to non-flowering, originally flowering plants, suddenly do not blossom, this makes a lot of people very anxious, this is why on earth? Next, let the editor tell you what causes the fairy not to blossom, and let's learn how many years the fairy can blossom.

Fairies can blossom for a few years.

The fairy refers to the beautiful flower shape, and the color is also very bright, and is very popular with people, but when it comes to the fairy finger, it takes several years to blossom, many people are not very clear, so let the editor tell you.

In fact, whether it is cutting or grafted fairy finger, generally have to wait until two to three years before flowering, but if our maintenance method is wrong, it may take longer, and for the fairy finger, its florescence usually begins to bud from the end of October to the beginning of November, blooms in February and ends in March and early April.

Fairy refers to the reason why it does not blossom.

Fairy refers to all very popular with people, not only because the fairy refers to beautiful flowers and colors, but also because the fairy refers to good care, but many people find that fairies do not blossom, is this really the reason? Let's let the editor tell you.

If it is said that under normal circumstances, our fairy refers to flowering is very normal, open during the day, closed at night, the flowering period can be as long as a month.

Maintenance time is not enough: we know that plants must first be of appropriate age to achieve the conditions of flowering. For fairy fingers, no matter they are cut or grafted, they all need to be maintained for 2-3 years before they bloom. If the maintenance time is not enough, you can't blossom.

The light is not enough: another reason is that fairies refer to plants that bloom only when they see the light, which can blossom well only if they are exposed to the sun, and will not blossom if they are kept indoors for a long time. But it should be noted that the fairy refers to the fact that there can not be too bright lights at night, otherwise it will affect the budding and blooming.

Conclusion: if we want to take good care of the fairy finger, we must first master the suitable growth environment and habits of the fairy finger. If we want the fairy finger to blossom quickly, we have to keep the fairy finger full of sunshine, warm and dry environment and fertile sandy soil.

Time: 2019-05-05 Click: