
Fuxing push coffee new agricultural production and marketing class: lack of small-scale processing plants

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, With the popularity of coffee drinking in Taoyuan, farmers are encouraged to grow coffee, coffee planting subsidies are introduced this year, and farmers' associations in Fuxing District are the most active in tutoring farmers to grow coffee. Yang Rongsheng, the second monitor of the special crop coffee production and marketing class in Fuxing District, said this afternoon that many members of the coffee production and marketing class have joined coffee planting since last year and are expected to grow coffee.

With the popularity of coffee drinking, Taoyuan encourages farmers to grow coffee, introduces coffee planting subsidies this year, and the farmers' association in Fuxing District is the most active in tutoring farmers to grow coffee. Yang Rongsheng, the second monitor of the special crop coffee production and marketing class in Fuxing District, said this afternoon that many members of the coffee production and marketing class have joined the coffee planting since last year and are expected to produce a large amount in the year after next. So far, there is a lack of small processing plants for coffee production. I hope the relevant units can help promote it. Drive the development of Taoyuan coffee industry.

截屏2022-03-12 上午9

At present, the Fuxing area of Taoyuan has the most extensive coffee planting area, including Guishan, Daxi, Pingzhen, Zhongli, Longtan, Luzhu, and Bade District, with a total area of about 11 hectares. Lin Jieliang, head of the Agricultural Affairs Section of the Bureau of Agriculture, said that this year, a coffee planting and tutoring program was launched, subsidizing 20,000 yuan per hectare for new planting in the first year and 20,000 yuan per hectare for conservation in the following two years, so as to encourage farmers to invest and promote the development of leisure agricultural areas.

Huang Chaohuang, director of the promotion department of the Farmers' Association in Fuxing District, said that farmers in Fuxing District took the lead in growing coffee. At present, coffee cultivation is mainly in Kuihui, Yisheng, and Luofu areas. Last year, the Farmers' Association set up the second class of coffee production and marketing classes for special crops in Fuxing District to promote farmers in this area to grow coffee and become one of the special crops of revival.

Yang Rongsheng said that at present, there are about 31 coffee production and marketing staff, and two-thirds of the crew joined coffee planting last year. Coffee cultivation in Fuxing District is still distributed in the front mountain area of Fuxing. Arabica variety series is the main coffee production in the production and marketing class. It is expected that a large number of coffee will be produced after the year after next, but it is still mainly produced by two generations of coffee farmers, but coffee farmers are all small farmers, each in their own way. It is hoped that the municipal government units will assist in promoting the establishment of a small-scale coffee processing plant to solve the post-processing processing of coffee shelling, bean picking, and roasting, and to develop the coffee industry.